Individual Supply Contract definition

Individual Supply Contract is a written document Buyer and Seller may enter into setting forth certain commercial terms for the purchase of Products and/or Services by Buyer from Seller.
Individual Supply Contract is a written document Buyer and Seller may enter into setting forth certain commercial terms for the purchase of Products and/or Services by Buyer from Seller. • “Intellectual Property” means all legally- recognized rights, including all patents or patent applications, copyrights, trademarks, trademark registrations, trade secrets and any other item considered intellectual property under statutory or common law principles in any jurisdiction in the world, including without limitation those considered as such by the applicable Laws of Buyer’s POB, that provides proprietary or other intellectual property rights, and includes, without limitation, all ideas, concepts, know- how, techniques, processes, methods, sketches, drawings, tooling prints, manuals, works of authorship, models, inventions, developments, designs, devices, tooling, prototypes, samples, gages, algorithms, controls logic, software (in both source code and object code formats), patterns, compilations, formulas, experiments, specifications, testing plans, product plans, and other technical information and materials. • “Laws” means applicable country, federal, provincial, state, local, and foreign laws, • “Contrato Xxxxx de Suministro” es un documento escrito que el Comprador y el Vendedor pueden celebrar, estableciendo ciertos términos comerciales para la compra de Productos y/o Servicios por parte del Comprador al Vendedor. • “Información Personal Sensible” significa (i) datos que influyen profundamente en la esfera más íntima de su titular/controlador o que podrían llevar a discriminación o riesgos xxxxxx si se usan de manera incorrecta. Específicamente, los datos sensibles abarcan aspectos como origen racial o étnico, estado de salud presente y futuro, información genética o biométrica, creencias religiosas, filosóficas y xxxxxxx, afiliación sindical, opiniones políticas, preferencia sexual o contraseña, que permitirían el acceso a una cuenta financiera individual; y (ii) cualquier otra información definida como información personal sensible por las Leyes aplicables al POB del Comprador. • “Contrato Individual de Suministro” es un documento escrito en el cual el Comprador y el Vendedor pueden acordar, estableciendo ciertos términos comerciales para la compra de Productos y/o Servicios por parte del Comprador al Vendedor. • “Propiedad Intelectual” se refiere a todos los derechos legalmente reconocidos, incluyendo todas las patentes o solicitudes de patente, derechos de autor, marcas comercial...

Examples of Individual Supply Contract in a sentence

  • Seller accepts a Purchase Order upon the first to occur of the following: (a) if Seller fails to object to it in writing within five (5) business days after receipt, (b) Seller’s commencement of any work or services that are related to or in anticipation of performance of the Purchase Order, (c) Seller’s acknowledgement of the Purchase Order in writing, or (d) execution of an Individual Supply Contract.

  • It is an integral part of the following Agreements: ▪ the applicable Framework Supply Contract ▪ the applicable Individual Supply Contract ▪ the General Terms and Conditions of Purchase The Quality Assurance Agreement is valid upon signature, as long as deliveries are made under the individual supply contracts or until a follow-up quality assurance agreement is entered into with KACO.

Related to Individual Supply Contract

  • Non-local supplier means a supplier or service provider, whose goods, services or works offered for procurement, has local content less than or equal to 20%, as defined under above Order.

  • Class-I local supplier means a supplier or service provider, whose goods, services or works offered for procurement, has local content equal to or more than 50%, as defined under said Order.

  • Local Supplier means a supplier or service provider whose product or service offered for procurement meets the minimum local content of 50% as prescribed in DIPP Order No.P-45021/2/2017-PP (BE-II) dated 28th May, 2018 or by the competent Ministries/Departments in pursuance of this order.

  • Class-II local supplier means a supplier or service provider, whose goods, services or works offered for procurement, has local content more than 20% but less than 50%, as defined under this order.

  • Material Supplier has the meaning set forth in Section 3.24.

  • Procurement Contract or “Contract” means any written agreement of the Authority for the acquisition of goods or services of any kind in the actual or estimated amount of $25,000, or more.

  • Offtake Agreement means any refining, smelting, brokering, sale, marketing and/or processing agreement entered into by the Owner or its Affiliates with respect to Minerals produced from the Property;

  • Self Supply LSE means a Load Serving Entity in one or more Mitigated Capacity Zones that operates under a long-standing business model to meet more than fifty percent of its Load obligations through its own generation and that is (i) a municipally owned electric system that was created by an act of one or more local governments pursuant to the laws of the State of New York to own or control distribution facilities and/or provide electric service, (ii) a cooperatively owned electric system that was created by an act of one or more local governments pursuant to the laws of State of New York or otherwise created pursuant to the Rural Electric Cooperative Law of New York to own or control distribution facilities and/or provide electric service, (iii) a “Single Customer Entity,” or (iv) a “Vertically Integrated Utility.” A Self Supply LSE cannot be an entity that is a public authority or corporate municipal instrumentality created by the State of New York (including a subsidiary of such an authority or instrumentality) that owns or operates generation or transmission and that is authorized to produce, transmit or distribute electricity for the benefit of the public unless it meets the criteria provided in section (i), (ii), or (iii) of this definition. For purposes of this definition only: “Vertically Integrated Utility” means a utility that owns generation, includes such generation in a non-bypassable charge in its regulated rates, earns a regulated return on its investment in such generation, and that as of the date of its request for a Self Supply Exemption, has not divested more than seventy-five percent of its generation assets owned on May 20, 1996; and “Single Customer Entity” means an LSE that serves at retail only customers that are under common control with such LSE, where such control means holding 51% or more of the voting securities or voting interests of the LSE and all its retail customers.

  • Project Contracts means collectively this Agreement, the Land Lease Agreement, the Construction Contract, O&M Contracts (if any) and any other material contract (other than the Financing Documents) entered into or may hereafter be entered into by the Concessionaire in connection with the Project;