Examples of Industrial Arbitration Act in a sentence
The first unfair contracts provisions were introduced into the New South Wales Industrial Arbitration Act 1940 in 1959 by the inclusion of section 88F, as a cognate provision with a new Section 88E (which deemed certain persons performing work to be employees).
Extracts from Industrial Arbitration Act 1940 - “Industrial matters” and sec.
If agreement cannot be reached, the dispute shall be determined by the Industrial Commission pursuant to the provisions of the Industrial Arbitration Act, 1912.
The Commission hereby appoints for the purposes of this award a Board of Reference consisting of a chairman and two other members who shall be appointed pursuant to Regulation 52 of the Industrial Arbitration Act (Industrial Commission) Regulations 1974.
The duties of the Trustees shall be to carry into effect any resolution of the Association regarding the control of the funds and property of the Association subject to the provisions of the Industrial Arbitration Act 1912.
All disputes not settled by mutual consent shall be referred for settlement pursuant to the provisions of the Industrial Arbitration Act 1912- 1952.
Section 17 amendedIn section 17 delete “Act and any award or agreement in force under the Industrial Arbitration Act 1912,” and insert: Act, any relevant written law and any relevant industrial award or industrial agreement, 22.
See the provisions of section 95 of the Industrial Arbitration Act 1940.
Extracts from Industrial Arbitration Act 1979 - “Industrial matter” - Extracts from CCH Labour Law Reporter, Role of Industrial Commission, Vol.
In accordance with section 96 (2) of the Industrial Arbitration Act 1940 a copy of this award shall be kept in an accessible place at each workplace, where employees covered by the award are situated, for the perusal of employees.