Information owner definition

Information owner means the individual appointed in accordance with division (A) of section 1347.05 of the Revised Code to be directly responsible for a system.
Information owner. (IO) shall mean the authority (Head of department) that has the responsibility for creating, processing and the use of information, including for deciding who shall be allowed to access this information.
Information owner means the individual appointed in accordance with division

Examples of Information owner in a sentence

  • The Information owner is entitled to control how sensitive information available to the Information processor is administered and processed.

  • The overspend was mainly due to slippage or non-delivery of in year savings and continued demand pressures.

  • Non-technical users who are trusted, possess authorized access to the system, but do not have administrator privileges.• Information owner.

  • The Information owner or marks owner reserves the right, in connection with such disputes, at any time and in its discretion, to seek injunctive or other judicial relief in a court of competent jurisdiction.

  • Information owner responsibilities extend to interconnected systems or groups of interconnected systems.

More Definitions of Information owner

Information owner means the party to whose system or installation the information pertains;
Information owner in this policy, means a person with operational authority for information who is responsible for authorizing controls for generation, collection, processing, access, dissemination, and disposal of that information.
Information owner means the individual appointed in accordance with division (A) of section 1347.05 of the Revised Code to be directly responsible for a system. The board's information owner shall be the executive director.
Information owner means the individual or individuals held managerially and financially accountable for a dataset and who have legal ownership rights to a dataset even though the dataset may have been collected/collated/disseminated by another party.
Information owner means the individual directly responsible for the system. The board's information owner is the executive director.
Information owner means the party within an organization who is responsible for an operating unit and who may sponsor and authorize the development of automated processes for his/her operating unit.
Information owner. Means the natural person within Webhelp organisation which, alone