Inquiry Committee definition
Inquiry Committee means the Inquiry Committee established under sub-section (1) of section 3;
Inquiry Committee means the Inquiry Committee established under
Inquiry Committee means the committee appointed by the Board pursuant to bylaw 6.4 to investigate and try to resolve a complaint filed under bylaw 6.11;
Examples of Inquiry Committee in a sentence
Upon receipt of the report of the preliminary inquiry and all other supporting documents, the Inquiry Committee is required to initiate the investigation.
The quorum for a meeting of a Sub-Committee shall be three (3) voting member of that Sub-Committee.
Individuals appointed to the Investigation Committee may also have served on the Inquiry Committee.
Faculty members from other universities may be named to the Inquiry Committee if a sufficient number of qualified UNM faculty members are not available.
In case, a minimum of two members of the Inquiry Committee are not present or not available, or any member of the Inquiry Committee is under investigation, then the Chairman of the Audit Committee shall head the Inquiry Committee as Chairman.
More Definitions of Inquiry Committee
Inquiry Committee means an Inquiry Committee constituted under section 85(10);
Inquiry Committee means the committee set up in terms hereof to conduct inquiry against any case of leak or suspected leak of UPSI.
Inquiry Committee means a group of at least three (3) persons appointed by the RIO to conduct an Inquiry.
Inquiry Committee means the Inquiry Committee established under subsection (1) of section 3;
Inquiry Committee means the Inquiry Committee established under this Code and under the “Protection Against Harassment of Women at Workplace Act 2010”
Inquiry Committee means the CSMC committee charged with conducting the Inquiry and creating the Inquiry Report.
Inquiry Committee means an Inquiry Committee constituted under section 85(10); "Institute" means the Singapore Institute of Legal Education established under section 3; "Joint Law Venture" means a Joint Law Venture licensed under section 130B;