Examples of Integrated treatment in a sentence
Integrated treatment for dual disorders: A guide to effective practice.
Integrated treatment plans (plans that include medical and behavioral health goals) are effectively coordinated by the Clinical Care Manager.
Integrated treatment for personality disorders: A modular approach.
Integrated treatment often begins by stabilizing a patient’s psychotic symptoms, which may require psychiatric hospitalization.
Integrated treatment usually requires incorporating and modifying traditional psychiat- ric and substance abuse treatment methods so that the co-occurring disorders receive simulta- neous treatment.
Integrated treatment confers superior benefits compared to other treatment models (84, 85), and the addition of motivational and behavioural interventions could lead to better outcomes (86, 87).
Integrated treatment and rehabilitation facilities remain threatened.
This proves that O0 is not Q-exact.One can also easily show the non-Q-exactness by studying the SU (1|3) descendants obtained by acting Qa Qb .
Integrated treatment may range from cross-referral and linkage; through cooperation, consultation, and col- laboration; to integration in a single setting or treatment model.
Integrated treatment and recovery for families The department shall develop and fund housing-based programs employing evidence-based strategies in a holistic approach to recovery for vulnerable families affected by substance use disorder.