Examples of Integrated resource plan in a sentence
Integrated resource plan- ning is a planning process for new en- ergy resources that evaluates the full range of alternatives, including new generating capacity, power purchases, energy conservation and efficiency, co- generation and district heating and cooling applications, and renewable en- ergy resources, to provide adequate and reliable service to a customer’s electric consumers.
With planning tools like the Integrated energy plan (Iep), and the Integrated resource plan (Irp), we should be able to configure the primary and secondary energy mix in a manner which supports our climate change targets.
During the 2011/12 financial year we plan to connect 150 000 households to the grid and an additional 10 000 off-grid.CLean anD reneWaBLe energyreneWaBLe energyWork on the implementation of renewable energy programmes will continue towards the roll out of 1 million solar water heaters by 2014 and the implementation of the renewable energy feed- in tariff (refIt) for the approved renewable energy technologies in line with the Integrated resource plan.
While some of these projects have additional sources of funding, Energy Trust enabled project completion.16 Integrated resource plan targets are shown in net savings, and are based on the IRP targets Energy Trust submitted to utilities for inclusion in their current IRP filings based on 2018 net-to-gross ratios.
Integrated resource plan: In September 2016, the Commission approved an integrated resource plan (IRP) for PREPA.4 The IRP order approved, among other things: (a) 2 Restructuring Order, Case No. CEPR-AP-2016-0001, June 21, 2016.