Examples of Intelligent Transportation System in a sentence
This contract includes furnishing and installing elements for an Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) in or along the existing roadway as shown on the plans.
Other strategies include Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) techniques such as computerized traffic signals and advanced traveler information systems, as well as intersection improvements.
Other work includes: installing Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) and tolling equipment; widening bridges; and installing noise barrier walls at locations along I95 northbound between Atlantic Boulevard and Sample Road, and along I95 southbound north of Sample Road.
The Design-Build Firm shall detail existing Signalization and Intelligent Transportation System equipment and report which devices will be removed, replaced, or impacted by project work.
The Design-Build Firm shall prepare design plans and provide necessary documentation for the procurement and installation of the Signalization and Intelligent Transportation System devices as well as overall system construction and integration.
This project includes entrance and exit access points to the express lanes; a bridge with a direct connection to 595 Express; integrated Intelligent Transportation System and tolling components; noise barrier walls at various locations and new signage, lighting, drainage and landscaping improvements.
The Engineer shall determine the ROW requirements based on the proposed alignment, typical sections, design cross sections, access control, terrain, construction requirements, drainage, clear zone, maintenance, Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) and environmental mitigation requirements.
The project includes installing Intelligent Transportation System components; modifying the Ives Dairy Road interchange; bridge widening at specific locations and installing new noise barrier walls at locations between Hollywood Boulevard and Taft Street.
The SunGuide software is a set of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) software that allows the control of roadway devices as well as information exchange across a variety of transportation agencies and is deployed throughout the state of Florida.
ITS As-Built data shall be collected by personnel having completed Intelligent Transportation System Facilities Management (ITSFM) training designated for as-built data collection.