Examples of Interests in a sentence
By separate written documentation, the Member shall designate and appoint the individual who will wind down the Company’s business and transfer or distribute the Member's Interests and Capital Account as designated by the Member or as may otherwise be required by law.
On or prior to the date hereof, each Subscribing Reinsurer has entered into, or shall enter into, a Master Reinsurance Trust Agreement (the "Trust Agreement") in the form attached as Exhibit C to such Subscribing Reinsurer's Interests and Liabilities Agreement.
Attachment B will also indicate whether any of the identified persons are required to file a Statement of Economic Interests, Form 700 (“Form 700”), provided that the individual does not have a current Form 700 on file with the City Clerk for a separate agreement with the City.
The Assumption of Liability Endorsement and the Reinsurance Trust Agreement are attached to each Subscribing Reinsurer's Interests and Liabilities Agreement, and form part of and are incorporated into this Contract as Exhibit B and Exhibit C, respectively, for each Subscribing Reinsurer.
Within ten (10) business days following the date the Subscribing Reinsurer's Interests and Liabilities Agreement is executed, such Subscribing Reinsurer shall contribute collateral to the Trust Account as required hereunder.