Examples of International Human Rights Standards in a sentence
Johnson, Closing an International Criminal Tribunal While Maintaining International Human Rights Standards and Excluding Impunity, American Journal of International Law 99 (2005) 158-174, 158.
Each Party will comply with the International Human Rights Standards, when providing or using the Services.
Human Rights and Prisons: A Pocketbook of International Human Rights Standards for Prison Officials (2005).
Louis Henkin, International Human Rights Standards in National Law: The Jurisprudence of the United States, in ENFORCING INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS IN DOMESTIC COURTS 189, 189 (Benedetto Conforti & Francesco Francioni eds., 1997) (noting that international human rights laws “were not designed to ‘internationalise’ the relation between individual and society” but rather “to persuade every state to recognise these rights and to guarantee them within its own constitutional and legal system”).
Center for Am. Progress, The Power of Justice: Applying International Human Rights Standards to American Domestic Practices 9 (2009) (citation omitted), available at www.law.columbia.edu/null/download?&exclusive=filemgr.download&file_id=154602.
Colin Miller, Banishment from Within and Without: Analyzing Indigenous Sentencing Under International Human Rights Standards, 80 N.D. L.
See also the following additions: International Human Rights Standards for Law Enforcement: A Pocket Book on Human Rights for the Police; and Human Rights and Law Enforcement: A Trainer’s Guide on Human Rights for the Police (see previous URL).
See, e.g., Lance Compa, Unfair Advantage: Workers’ Freedom of Association in the United States under International Human Rights Standards (Human Rights Watch, 2000).the union.
In the Library with the Lead Pipe, January 23, 2019, hftp://www.inthelibrarywiththeleadpipe.org/2019/transformative-praxis/; Mick Gooda, “The Practical Power of Human Rights: How International Human Rights Standards Can Inform Archival and Record Keeping Practices,” Archival Science 12, no.
Within the Regional Programme for the Arab States to Prevent and Combat Crime, Terrorism and Health Threats and to Strengthen Criminal Justice Systems in Line with International Human Rights Standards (2016-2021), UNODC is implementing the project “Strengthening the framework of the Arab Region to prevent and combat human trafficking and migrant smuggling”, managed by the UNODC Regional Office for the Middle East and North Africa (ROMENA).