Examples of International Users in a sentence
Commercial, Independent, and International Users: Submitters affiliated with private Canadian companies, Submitters not affiliated with a company or academic institution, and those from abroad are required to remit payment in full prior to release of Their results.
For users located outside of the United States, please see Sections 10 and 11 titled International Users and European Union Residents and General Data Protection Regulation Information for more detailed information.
OpenAMI was created under the IntelliGrid Working Group of the Utility Communications Architecture International Users Group (http://www.ucausersgroup.org/).With the completion of this research, we have observed that the results can form the basis of a methodology that regulatory agencies can use to evaluate proposals for implementing AMI systems in California.
International Users Accessing this site, and services, products or contents available on this site, except as expressly allowed through instructions and truthful statements by the User in regard to use of this site, from places outside the Netherlands or where their contents are illegal, is prohibited.
On upgrading legacy electronics systems: methodology, enabling technologies and tools, VHDL International Users Forum Fall Workshop, 2000.
International Users The Service is controlled, operated and administered by the Company from our offices within the USA.
P.: National Projects and International Users: Finland and Early European computerization.
Preferably, the system integrator’s verification facilities are also certified by UCA International Users Group to minimize the risks on customer’s side.
Chief Cummings stated in regard to partnerships, members are attending the Deccan International Users Conference.
Placing voluntary or involuntary human shields near important targets and emplacing valuable military assets near places protected under the LOAC (e.g., near mosques) are common examples.