Examples of Intervention strategies in a sentence
Intervention strategies may include additional training, reassignment, additional supervision, coaching or personal counseling.
Main ideas throughout this section are supported, explained, and justified with strong evidence in the form of accurately cited research, Evidence-Based Intervention strategies, and/or well-developed logical argument.
Intervention strategies include classroom instruction, supervision and mentoring.
Intervention strategies and/or consequences are not limited to those listed here.
Intervention strategies for a target student or student against whom teen dating violence was directed may include the following: • Counseling; • Increased supervision and monitoring of student to observe and intervene in bullying or teen dating violence situations; • Encouragement of student to seek help when victimized or witnessing victimization; • Peer mediation where appropriate.
Intervention strategies include the recruitment of learners into apprenticeship programmes as well as operator and radiation protection trainee programmes.
Intervention strategies are the second part of the continuum of care and, as with prevention, are primarily funded by DPH.
Intervention strategies to reduce musculoskeletal injuries associated with handling patients: a systematic review.
Intervention strategies to improve teacher performance shall be developed by the Peer Mentor Committee, with the participation of the teacher, and shall include observations of performance by the Peer Mentor Committee.
Intervention strategies may be any of the following form, but not limited to, (1) extending time of completion of tasks; (2) adjusting the level of difficulty of the learning contents/tasks; (3) providing more guided activities before proceeding to independent activities; (4) seeking for more supervised time with learning facilitator;(5) giving sample prototype learning outputs or models to serve as reference for his or her own work.