CONTRACT OF SERVICE. (a) Each employee shall, upon engagement, be given a letter of appointment wherein the general conditions of employment are stated.
(b) This shall include statements of:
(i) the classification ;
(ii) the wages step relevant to the appointment;
(iii) the number of hours per week;
(iv) the weeks per year the employee is engaged for;
(v) whether the position is ongoing or temporary and why the position is temporary; and/or
(vi) any other matter specific to the contract.
(c) For the purposes of the Agreement, ongoing employment shall mean a position that continues as long as the position remains available.
(d) When an employee accepts an appointment within the Catholic system in Western Australia for the first time, the appointment is probationary. The probationary period will not exceed 3 months and the employee shall be subject to appraisal in the third month of employment so as to confirm ongoing employment.
(2) The letter of appointment shall not contain any provision that is inconsistent with or contrary to any provision of this Agreement.
(3) Except in the case of a casual, temporary or relief employee, the termination of service of any employee shall require a minimum period of notice as set out below:
(a) Employer’s period of notice Up to 3 years More than 3 years but less than 5 years at least 2 weeks at least 3 weeks If the employee is over 45 years of age and has served at least 2 years of continuous service this notice is to be increased by 1 week.
(b) Notice of termination of service by an employee shall require a minimum of two (2) weeks’ notice.
(c) Failure to give the required notice shall make that party liable to forfeiture of payment to the other party of an amount equivalent to that period of notice not given or served.
(d) The requirements of this subclause may be waived in part or whole by mutual agreement between the employee and the employer.
(4) A temporary employee shall be employed in a part-time or full-time capacity for a period greater than 4 weeks’ continuous service, and not more than a period of 12 months continuous service, except in the case of parental leave.
(5) Where the period of employment of a casual employee exceeds 5 days the notice of termination of service shall be 1 day. Where the employment is for 5 days or less the engagement shall be considered to be a specific period and notice shall not be required.
(6) A part-time employee shall have an entitlement to sick leave, long service leave and annual leave on a pro r...
CONTRACT OF SERVICE. (1) (a) Appointments shall be as agreed in writing between the employer and the practitioner and shall normally be for 12 months.
CONTRACT OF SERVICE. 14.1 An employee whose employment is covered by this Agreement shall be employed on either a weekly or casual basis.
(1) An Employee not specifically engaged as a casual shall be deemed to be employed by the week.
(2) All weekly hired Employees will be required to serve an initial probationary period of one (1) complete Work Cycle.
(3) A casual Employee is one engaged and paid as such.
(4) A casual Employee shall be paid the Ordinary Hourly Rate prescribed in clause 12 – Wage Rates, of this Agreement for the work performed, plus an all-purpose loading of 25%.
(5) Casual Employees are not entitled to annual leave, sick leave, public holidays or other paid absences.
(6) The Company is entitled to deduct payment for any day or part of a day an Employee cannot be usefully employed because of any strike or any breakdown in machinery or any stoppage of work by any cause for which the Company cannot be reasonably held responsible, as long as the Company has no useful alternative work available.
CONTRACT OF SERVICE. (a) A teacher shall, upon engagement, be given a letter of appointment in which the general conditions and the special conditions (if any) of his/her appointment are stated. A copy of that letter shall be retained by the school and signed by the teacher within one week of commencing work. This subclause shall not apply to a relief teacher.
(b) The conditions stated in the letter of appointment shall, while the employment continues, be observed by the parties and shall not be subject to any alteration of significance without the consent of the teacher.
(c) Paragraph (a) of this subclause does not authorise the inclusion in a letter of appointment of any provision which is inconsistent with or contrary to any provision of this Award.
(2) Except in the case of relief or temporary teachers, the termination of the service of a teacher shall require a minimum of six weeks' notice by either party to take effect from the close of school business at the end of school term. Failure to give the required notice shall make that party liable to forfeiture of or payment to the other party of an amount equivalent to six weeks' pay or an amount equivalent to that period of notice not given or served. Provided that the requirements of this subclause may be waived in part or whole by mutual agreement between the teacher and the employer.
(3) The contract of service of a temporary teacher shall be terminable at any time by either party giving not less than one (1) week's notice, save that in the case of continuous service exceeding one (1) year, notice shall be as prescribed in subclause (2) of this clause.
(4) The engagement of a relief teacher shall be by the day or half day and where the period exceeds five consecutive days the notice shall be one day. Where the employment is for five consecutive days or less the engagement shall be considered to be a specific period and notice shall not be required.
(5) A part-time teacher shall receive payment for sick leave, long service leave and vacation leave on a pro-rata basis in the proportion that his/her hours of work bear to the hours of a full-time teacher.
(6) Upon termination a statement of service and a separate reference when requested by the teacher shall be provided to the teacher by the employer.
(7) Nothing within this clause detracts from the employer's right to dismiss summarily any teacher for serious misconduct in which case salary shall be paid up to the time of dismissal only.
CONTRACT OF SERVICE. (a) All appointments shall be on 5 year contracts unless there is written agreement to the contrary between the employer and practitioner.
(b) To meet short term exigencies, the employer may employ a practitioner on a short term contract of up to six months. In such cases the practitioner shall not be entitled to receive leave benefits (including leave for public holidays), but shall instead be paid a loading of 25% on the base salary. Penalty rates shall be calculated exclusive of the loading.
(a) Each practitioner shall be appointed for a probationary period of six months. During the probationary period either the employer or the practitioner may give four weeks notice of termination or resignation of employment or such lesser period as agreed. The probationary period shall not apply if the practitioner is appointed for a consecutive term.
(b) Following completion of the probationary period, practitioners shall be subject to regular performance management and may only be terminated with notice by the employer on the grounds of unsatisfactory service, misconduct or redundancy.
(3) Practitioners shall be provided with a job description stating the relevant duties and responsibilities of the position. As a guide, 80% of a practitioner’s duties shall be allocated to clinical duties (including teaching) and 20% of a practitioner’s duties shall be allocated for non-clinical duties. “Non-clinical duties” means duties not directly associated with the diagnosis or management of a particular patient. They may include administration, attendance at departmental meetings, formal teaching sessions, audit or other quality assurance activities.
CONTRACT OF SERVICE. 10.1 Subject as hereinafter provided no employee shall have services terminated unless he or she has received one week's previous notice of his or her termination or pay for such a period in lieu thereof.
10.2 No employee shall, without the consent of the employer, resign without first having given one week's previous notice of his or her intention to do so and in the absence of such notice, the employer may withhold holiday or other pay up to the amount of one week's wages.
10.3 Notwithstanding the provisions of Clause 10.1 but subject to Clause 23. – Personal Leave or Clause 25. - Bereavement Leave the employer shall be under no obligation to pay for any day or portion of a day not worked on which the employee is required to present himself or herself for duty.
10.4 The employer shall be entitled to deduct payment for any day or portion of a day upon which employee, including an apprentice, cannot be usefully employed because of any cessation of work by the Union or Unions affiliated with it or by any other association or Union or any stoppage of work by any cause which the employer cannot reasonably prevent.
10.5 Notice of termination of the contract of service shall not be given so as to take effect concurrently with annual leave.
10.6 The preceding provisions of this Clause shall not apply to casual employees. Two hours' notice shall be sufficient to terminate the services of a casual employee, except where such employee is dismissed for misconduct.
10.7 Nothing herein contained shall affect the employer's right to dismiss for misconduct without notice and in such cases wages shall be paid up to the time of dismissal only.
10.8 Upon commencement, employees shall be on probation for a period of four months.
10.9 Following satisfactory completion of the period of probation, the employees' appointment shall be confirmed by the employer.
10.10 The employee will carry out such duties which are within the limits of the employees' skill, competence and training, including work which is incidental or peripheral to the employees main tasks or functions, provided that such duties are not designed to promote xx-xxxxxxxx.
10.11 The employee will carry out such duties and use such tools and equipment as may be required, provided that the employee has been properly trained in the use of such tools and equipment.
10.12 Any direction issued by the employer pursuant to Clauses 10.10. & 10.11 shall be consistent with the provisions of the Occupational Health, Safety an...
CONTRACT OF SERVICE. (1) When a teacher accepts an appointment within the Catholic system in Western Australia for the first time, the appointment is probationary and as such the teacher is subject to professional appraisal in the second year of employment so as to confirm ongoing employment.
(a) A teacher shall, upon engagement, be given a letter of appointment in which the general conditions and the special conditions (if any) of his/her appointment are stated. A copy of that letter shall be retained by the school and signed by the teacher within one week of commencing work. This subclause shall not apply to a relief teacher.
(b) The conditions stated in the letter of appointment shall, while the employment continues, be observed by the parties and shall not be subject to any alteration of significance without the consent of the teacher.
(c) Paragraph (a) of this subclause does not authorise the inclusion in a letter of appointment of any provision which is inconsistent with or contrary to any provision of this Agreement.
(d) The letter of appointment for a temporary teacher shall include the term of the appointment and the reason for the temporary appointment.
(a) Except in the case of a relief or temporary teacher, the termination of the service of a teacher shall require a minimum of six working weeks’ notice by either party usually to take effect from the close of school business at the end of the school term.
(b) Provided that the requirements of this subclause may be waived in part or in whole by mutual agreement between the teacher and the employer. Any request to waiver such notice shall not be unreasonably withheld by the employer, where it is deemed that the teacher has not been able to give the required notice through no fault of their own.
(c) Subject to the provisions of this subclause, failure to give the required notice shall make either party liable for the payment to the other party of an amount equivalent to the period of notice not given.
(d) When a teacher resigns, the employer reserves the right to withhold or recover an amount equivalent to any period of overpayment of salary. However, approval must be obtained from the Director of Catholic Education before such action is proceeded with.
(4) The contract of service of a temporary teacher shall be terminable at any time by either party giving not less than one week's notice, save that in the case of continuous service exceeding one (1) year, notice shall be prescribed as in subclause three (3) of this cl...
CONTRACT OF SERVICE. (1) Every person appointed by the Esperance Port Authority as a permanent officer shall be on probation for a period not exceeding six months, unless otherwise determined by the General Manager.
(2) At any time during the period of probation the General Manager, or such other person authorised by the Esperance Port Authority to act on its behalf, may annul the appointment and terminate the services of the appointee.
(3) As soon as possible after the expiry of the period of probation the General Manager, or such other authorised person, shall:
(a) confirm the appointment; or
(b) extend the period of probation for up to six months; or
(c) annul the appointment and terminate the services of the appointee.
(4) Every person appointed as a permanent officer shall, either before commencing duty or during the period of probation, satisfy the following conditions unless the General Manager or such other authorised person otherwise determines.
(a) Provide evidence of age in the form of an Extract of Birth Entry or a certified copy of Birth Registration or other evidence acceptable to the General Manager; and
(b) Undertake a medical examination by a registered medical practitioner, nominated by the Esperance Port Authority, to satisfy the General Manager that the appointee is in a fit condition to fulfil the duties of the office to be filled. The fee for the examination and certificate of the registered medical practitioner shall be paid by the appointee.
(5) Except where the Esperance Port Authority approves of a shorter period of notice, an officer shall give the Esperance Port Authority written notice of intention to resign of not less than:
(a) one month in the case of a permanent officer; or
(b) one week in the case of a temporary officer.
(6) The General Manager may terminate the contract of service of any permanent officer by one month’s notice given in writing.
(7) The foregoing provisions of this clause do not affect the General Manager’s right to dismiss an officer without notice for misconduct, and, in such a case, the salary of the officer shall be paid up to the time of dismissal only.
(a) Where the General Manager considers that a position occupied by an officer is no longer necessary and no other employment is available to that officer, the union shall be notified in writing to that effect.
(b) The union may, within seven days of the date upon which that notification is given, request the General Manager to review that decision, but where an agreement ...
CONTRACT OF SERVICE. The Board may not invoke "surplus of personnel" to nonreengage or place on availability, as the case may be, the regular teachers if the cause of surplus of personnel arises from the application of a contract with an enterprise, or from a contract of association with a teaching institution in conformity with the Education Act for Cree, Inuit and Naskapi Native Persons (CQLR, chapter I-14), according to which the enterprise or teaching institution shall offer the instruction which the Board previously dispensed. However, the Board must, before granting such a contract, give a written notice to the Union of the permission given by the Minister to grant the contract, if need be.