Examples of Islamic contract in a sentence
Islamic contract issued on stand alone assets identified on the balance sheet.
The courts held that the Islamic contract of BBA was similar to a conventional loan and hence the Islamic banks could not claim the unearned profits because it was equal to interest calculation.Although the learned judges arrived at their decisions by rejecting the Islamic banks’ claim on the unearned profits, the judgment in these two cases did not question the validity and legality of profits derived from the BBA facility.
Investor appoints the Manager to undertake the investment activities on their behalf under the Islamic contract of “Wakalah Bil Istithmar” or “Agency for Investment”.2.
Shariah Principles Applicable1- Investor appoints the Manager to manage and invest the Fund under the Islamic contract of “Wakalah Bil Istithmar” or Agency for Investment.
BFIN402-ISLAMIC BANKING (3Cr.:3Lec):This course provide students with general overview regarding Islamic banking where several concepts will be covered starting from an introduction to Islamic banking and finance, to understand how Islamic banks are operating; Islamic contract law; financial instruments of Islamic banking and finance; financial accounting for Islamic banking products; Corporate governance; Islamic assets and fund management; Islamic bonds valuation and risk management techniques.
This implies that higher financing concentration based on Islamic contract which is primarily of debt-based financing could provide greater needs for liquidity while exposing banks assets portfolio to liquidity risk.
This implies that the higher concentration of Islamic contract could reduce the banks’ need to maintain sufficient reserve in the form of loan loss provision while IAH are being used as alternative source of internal liquidity funding especially when the banks are exposed to unexpected losses.
The basic principle of Islamic contract law is that the owner of an asset has both its risk as well as reward, and one cannot get reward without bearing its commensurate liability or risk.
Investor appoints the Manager to manage and invest the fund under the Islamic contract of “Wakalah Bil Istithmar” or Agency for Investment.2. BIMB Invest is appointed to undertake the investment activities on behalf of the investor for a fee (“Ujrah”).3.
Islamic contract (ISCON) is used in measuring Murabahah financing risk refer to Table 1.