Examples of Japanese Securities in a sentence
WAML Japan is regulated by the Japanese Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission, a commission established by the Japanese Financial Services Agency, and is subject to applicable local laws and regulation.
In August 2010, the Japanese Securities Dealers Association (“JSDA”) announced that “The Japanese Government Securities Guidelines for Real Time Gross Settlement” will be partially amended and that the “Practical Guidelines for Handling of Fails Charges” will be implemented.
Each party shall determine in its sole discretion whether such party is required to file or otherwise submit this Agreement and/or any description hereof with or to any governmental authorities or securities exchanges, including, without limitation, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, NASDAQ, the Japanese Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission or the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
If an Event of Default does not relate to Insolvency Proceedings or it relates to Bankruptcy Proceedings, a pledge over Japanese Securities or cash in a Japanese Account would be enforceable in a timely manner under Japanese law.
Each Master Agreement and each of the Credit Support Documents are enforceable under the laws of the State of New York (“NY law”), England or Japan, as the case may be, and each party has duly authorized, executed and delivered, and has the capacity to enter into, each document.c. Party B will transfer to Party A Japanese Securities and/or cash as Collateral either as a loan under the Loan and Set-off Method or a pledge under the Pledge Method.
The accompanying consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the provisions set forth in the Japanese Securities and Exchange Law and its related accounting regulations, and in conformity with accounting principles and practices generally accepted in Japan, which are different in certain respects as to application and disclosure requirements of International Accounting Standards.
The following industry and geographic segment information are required by the Japanese Securities Exchange Law.
The fair value of bonds is determined based on the Trading Ref- erence Statistical Data published by Japanese Securities Dealers Association or prices provided by financial institutions.
Unless otherwise specified by the Clearing House, the Clearing House Japanese Securities Account will be an omnibus account in the name of the Clearing House maintained by the Clearing House Japanese Custodian for holding Japanese Securities posted as collateral to the Clearing House by multiple Clearing Members.
Traffic trips to the new school site would be the same as those to the existing school and utilize an entrance/egress across Walnut Street from the existing condition, keeping the noise pattern similar to the existing condition.