Examples of Job Size in a sentence
Parameters of Downey’s Model to Generate Synthetic #JobsrhoseedJob Width (ln(Tr ))Job Size (ln(P ))2*10, 0002*0.752*17MinMaxMinMax5.699.910.698.51 Table 2 summarizes the workloads.
Job Job Size (Racks) Power Profile (kW/rack) J0 3 60J1 1 50J2 5 30J3 4 40 ing the conventional FCFS policy, it will always se-Now, suppose these jobs are to be allocated onto a 6-rack system with a total power cap of 230 kW.
Exp(3*103) BP(322,1010,1.1)ρ=0.99ρ=0.516 14 /T(x)T(x) LAS SRPT12 10 8 6 4 2 00 20 40 60 80 100Percentile of Job Size Distribution Figure 2.5: as a function of percentile of job size distribution.
Input Handling Times Job Size (# of simulations)Service Response Time (seconds)Input Processing Time (seconds) 30000.72179050000.883039100000.596854 nodes with varying capabilities.
RAM Requirements Based on Net Job Size* The net size of a Mail.dat job is calculated as the "total size of all files" associated with a job, minus the size of the PQT, SNR, and PDR files.
The sim- ulator, modeling HIGRAD/FIRETEC, models a square num- ber of processes, Job Size.
USR STj * JSj * SSLOR where STj represents the Status of job completion, JSj the Job Size and SSLOR represents the Satisfied Service Level Objectives (SSLO) of the resource.
Thus, we agreed in the workshop to use same kind of numbers than there are in Fibonacci series: 1,2,3,5,8,13,20,30,40 where 40 was highest priority in the Business Value, Time Criti- cality, Risk Reduction fields whereas 1 was fastest job to perform and 40 most difficult to perform in the Job Size field.
The size of tasks can be estimated and then the Job Size can be estimated based on the mitigation strate- gy’s tasks sizes.Perhaps the most difficult issue in the prioritisation workshop was to achieve a common understanding of different mitigation strategies and what those strategies meant in the VFD context.
The user can choose between all cities included in RSMeans data source.3. Drop-Down Job Size: The job size in square feet according to RSMeans data is chosen here.