Examples of Joint Responsibilities in a sentence
Joint Responsibilities - Respondent in collaboration with E&I shall jointly:• Develop, approve and implement an annual marketing plan to be reviewed on a quarterly basis.
Initial topics will include: Length of Student Day, Class Size, and Joint Responsibilities for a Safe & Positive School Climate.
Joint Responsibilities The Host College/University will collaborate with the School District on the career and college readiness curriculum necessary for the completion of the five-year EMC planned coursework.
ANA’s Position Statement: “Addressing Nurse Fatigue to Promote Safety and Health: Joint Responsibilities of Registered Nurses and Employers to Reduce Risks” (ANA, 2014).
Joint Responsibilities Predictive Services or NWS meteorologists may be asked to provide briefings to agency decision• makers.
Territory Worldwide except where prohibited or penalized by applicable law Term 5 years Joint Responsibilities to be included in an IPA • Parties would agree on composition and performance specifications of the IVD Test.
Joint Responsibilities of the Chief Constable and the PCC 🢝 Ensure match-funding requirements and exit strategies are considered prior to entering into agreements and that future medium-term financial forecasts reflect these requirements.
Joint Responsibilities of the PCCCFO and the CCCFO 🢝 Advise the PCC and Chief Constable on appropriate arrangements for insurance.
Joint Responsibilities of the Chief Constable and PCC D2.5. To adopt the ACPO national charging policies and national guidance when applying charges under section 25 of the Police Act 1996 and to review scales of fees and charges at least annually.
Joint Responsibilities of the PCCCFO and CCCFO E1.5. To ensure that all funding notified by external bodies is received and properly accounted for, and that all claims for funds are made by the due date and that any audit requirements specified in the funding agreement are met.