Supply Chain definition
Examples of Supply Chain in a sentence
Bids will be awarded in accordance with the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2017 pertaining to the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act, No 5 of 2000 as well as the Municipality’s Supply Chain Management Policy.
A prospective Tenderer requiring any clarification of the Tender Document may notify the General Manager Supply Chain in writing and ensure receipt is acknowledged at KPLC’s Physical address indicated on the Tender Document.
Verbal or any other form of communication, from the CCT, its employees, agents or advisors during site visits/clarification meetings or at any other time prior to the award of the Contract, will not be regarded as binding on the CCT, unless communicated by the CCT in writing to suppliers by its Director: Supply Chain Management or his nominee.
Registration forms and related information are also available on the City of Cape Town’s website (follow the Supply Chain Management link to Supplier registration).
Enquiries in respect of the policy should be addressed to the Head of PIKITUP’s Supply Chain Management -CONTRACT The terms of the proposed contract with PIKITUP are contained in the General Conditions of Contract, the Special Conditions of Contract and any of the sections of these bidding documents in which the bidder makes an undertaking as to its performance.