Examples of Junior Member in a sentence
On a poll each Member entitled to vote under rule 3.2 (and not otherwise disqualified from voting) and present at a general meeting has one vote, provided always that a parent or legal guardian of a Junior Member has one vote for each Junior Member he or she represents.
On a show of hands each Member entitled to vote under rule 3.2 (and not otherwise disqualified from voting) and present at a general meeting has one vote, provided always that a parent or legal guardian of a Junior Member has one vote for each Junior Member he or she represents.
A Junior Member convicted of a criminal offence capable of attracting a sentence of imprisonment may be rusticated, sent down, or expelled by the Governing Body, after due opportunity to make written representations.
Each Junior Member, whether resident in College accommodation or living out, will be allocated an individually-labelled pigeon-hole.
Any person who is under 18 years of age may be elected as a Junior Member on application to the Club Secretariat.