Examples of Kenya Project in a sentence
The WASH in Kenya Project supported a component for operational research, led by the International [30] 2018 ANNUAL REPORT & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Center for Humanitarian Affairs (ICHA).
The Recipient shall maintain, throughout Project implementation, the LVBC, with an institutional framework, functions and resources satisfactory to the World Bank, assisted by qualified and experienced staff in adequate numbers with responsibility for overall coordination, monitoring and evaluation of the Project and coordination of the Kenya Project, the Tanzania Project and the Uganda Project.
The Heifer TRANSFROM Kenya Project Manager will manage and coordinate the whole Social Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC), process.
The end line survey for the WASH in Kenya Project was completed in December 2018.
To determine to what extent sound technical approaches were being employed by the Capacity Kenya Project in working with GoK and other Stakeholders and strengthening their capacity to deliver HRH interventions, the evaluation team must interview Capacity Kenya Project program staff, sub-partners, including GoK.
Okumbe, J.A. and Abagi, O., Financing of Education in Kenya, UNDP/Government of Kenya Project, 1993.
Kenya Project Implementation Unit Name and Address: ...............................................................WSP on behalf of the ...............................................................Water Services Board P.O. Box ….......................................… Nairobi, 00100 Kenya In accordance with Clause 58.1 of the Conditions of Contract, the Works were inspected and are Certified as being Complete on ……........…...........……..
The Strengthening Devolved Governance in Kenya Project is aligned to national and county development priorities and will contribute to the accelerated realization of devolution dividends in Kenya.
The Group considers each of its operational mines and expenditure at the West Kenya Project a separate segment.
Award: Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Strategies to Address HIV Drug Resistance in Kenya Project Investigators: Duarte, Horacio (Training grant recipient) Status: Closed Sponsoring Organization: T32 - NIH/NIAID Purpose: This project aims to further develop mathematical models to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of strategies to address HIV drug resistance in resource-limited settings, particularly Kenya.