Examples of Key Properties in a sentence
Gold Key Properties LLC has applied for a conditional use permit for multi-family dwelling units between 5 and 12 (7 dwelling units total on combined lots) located at 705,707 and 711 S Davison St, legally described as Lots 54-56 of Overlook Addition, City of Mitchell, Davison County, South Dakota.
Gold Key Properties LLC has applied for a variance in minimum front and rear yard setback of 22' vs 25' for construction of a four-plex with attached garages located at 705 S Davison St, legally described as Lots 54-56 of Overlook Addition, City of Mitchell, Davison County, South Dakota.
The Board shall evaluate the Superintendent on or before June 30th of each year during the term of this contract.
We will de ne H (H) in the following way:H = {[α] | α ∈ ForC},23.4. Key Properties of AxLPP Q 47 where [α], as earlier, denotes the set of worlds from W in which a classical formula α is satis ed.
However, this is equivalent to having that, for all r ∈ Q[0,1], T ∪ {A} ▶23.4. Key Properties of AxLPP Q 45P rα, which is, in turn, equivalent (by applying the Deduction Theorem) to having that, for allr ∈ Q[0,1], T ▶ A →p P/=rα.