LETTER OF Sample Clauses

LETTER OF. Conditional Commitment means the letter from the Director of the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs approving the Community Development Block Grant application and setting forth requirements which shall be satisfied prior to execution of the grant agreement.
LETTER OF. Acceptance
LETTER OF. Employees hired on auxiliary appointments for a period of more than working days shall receive a letter of appointment clearly stating their employment status and expected duration of employment with a copy of the letter to be forwarded to the Support Staff Bargaining Unit Chairperson.
LETTER OF. If proposing on Part 2, Vendor is required to upload a Bonding Capacity Letter from its surety, as described herein, at this location. Please see the attachment entitled "Instructions and Sample - Part 2 Required Bonding Capacity Letter" for complete instructions. . On Part 2, Vendor will be scored on the aggregate bonding capacity displayed in the accepted letter. Vendor must provide a current letter (issued on or after the first day of the month preceding the date on which the solicitation was posted) from its surety verifying Vendor’s bonding capacity as described herein. (Ex. if the solicitation/bid posted on February 4, 2022, the letter must be dated on or after January 1 2022. The letter must be issued from Vendor’s Surety companies, on surety company letterhead, must specify the maximum bonding capacity of the Vendor, and must be signed by an authorized representative of the surety company. The issuing surety must be authorized to do business in the State of Texas and must be listed on the Department of the Treasury's Listing of Approved Sureties (Department Circular 570).
LETTER OF. The parties have spent considerable time in negotiations discussing excessive daily hours of work. The changes agreed to under Article reflect the intent of the parties to avoid workdays beyond twelve (12) hours if at all possible. It is the intention of the Company to maintain staffing levels so as to meet this goal and the union understands that from time to time it will be necessary to work beyond twelve (12) hours in order to complete a tour of duty and/or satisfy urgent customer requirements.
LETTER OF. Re: Article There shall be no grandfathering of Classification Seniority for Members who have already transferred from operating Class equipment to Class “A” equipment, except for those operators who have transferred into Class “A” equipment after March LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING The company commits to meet with the Association and develop an Incentive Program for Service Representatives. The potential for earnings in the plan will be consistent with the earnings detailed in the Operators’ Incentive (Article 7.08).
LETTER OFNotwithstanding Article for casual employees hired after the ratification of this collective agreement when it comes to filling permanent job vacancies the following factors shall be considered:
LETTER OF. The part-time in-lieu premium shall not apply to Overtime, Holiday Pay and Maternity Top Up calculations.
LETTER OF. Re: Distribution of Overtime Hereinafter called the "Employer" Hereinafter called the "Union" This is to confirm the discussions and understanding reached between the Company and the Union regarding the distribution of overtime amongst Distribution Centre employees. Specifically, the parties agree to the following: It is to the parties' mutual advantage that overtime be distributed across as equitably as possible, Overtime will be scheduled by Management. The amount of overtime required will be determined by Management. Management can assign and employees working overtime as required. The process for allocating overtime will be as follows: When overtime is required, Management will offer overtime to those qualified full-time employees within the classification and shift where the work is available according to seniority. In the event a full-time employee declines an to work overtime, the next most senior full-time employee within the classification on the shift will be offered overtime. In the event Management is unable to fill the overtime opportunities from within the classification on that shift, it will offer the overtime opportunity to the most senior qualified full-time employee available on that shift. If management is unable to fillthe overtime requirements through the above process, part-time employees within the area on that shift will be offered the opportunity to work the overtime according to seniority. In the event that management is unable to fill the overtime requirements through the above process, the most senior qualified part-time employee on that shift will be offered the opportunity to work the overtime. When the next opportunity to work overtime becomes available, it will be extended to the qualified full-time employee on the shift within the classificationwhere the work is available starting at the location on the seniority list where the last offer was made and accepted. The following will constitute an offer for overtime and will result in an employee becoming ineligible for overtime until their turn comes up again: Asked and accepted Asked and declined Absent from work for any reason All offers of overtime and their commitment or rejection thereof will be recorded by management and initialed by the employee. All overtime shifts are considered regularly scheduled shifts. Failure to report for a scheduled overtime shift to which the employee has committed will be counted as an absence. In the event of any disputes regarding overtime...