Labour Relations Commission definition

Labour Relations Commission means the body established by section 24 of the Act of 1990;

Examples of Labour Relations Commission in a sentence

  • Ireland has a robust institutional structure for protecting workers’ rights through trade unions, the Labour Relations Commission (LRC), the Labour Court (LC), the Equality Authority, and the Employment Equality Tribunal.

  • These codes should reflect the Code of Practice (Dispute Procedures Including Procedures in Essential Services) prepared by the Labour Relations Commission (S.I. No. 1of 1992).

  • This consultation was facilitated by the Labour Relations Commission and matters of dispute were referred to the Labour Court for a binding recommendation.

  • It is agreed that the Labour Relations Commission and the Labour Court will be used in relation to claims/issues in relation to terminal examinations made on behalf of staff which are not resolved in local discussions and/or the Industrial Relations Forum and Grievance Procedures referred to above, as appropriate.

  • The Client expects that the Contractor utilise the State’s industrial relations procedures, including the Labour Relations Commission and/or the Labour Court, for the purpose of resolving employment disputes with its employees.

  • In the event of disagreement at Stage 2 or Stage 3 the matter shall normally be referred to the Labour Relations Commission and onto the Labour Court or alternatively, an agreed 3rd Party as appropriate, within ten working days of management’s response.

  • This funding is provided in respect of the growth in pay costs associated with the Lansdowne Road Agreement (LRA), Labour Relations Commission recommendations and other pay pressures.

  • In the event of your dismissal being confirmed and should you wish to challenge the dismissal then in accordance with normal procedures, the matter shall be referred to a Rights Commissioner, the Labour Court, the Labour Relations Commission, the Employment Appeals Tribunal or an Equality Officer as appropriate.

  • The procedure referred to above shall include reference to a Rights Commissioner, the Labour Relations Commission, the Labour Court, the employment Appeals Tribunal or Equality Officer, as appropriate.

  • An employee may refer a dispute in relation to an entitlement under the Act to a Rights Commissioner of the Labour Relations Commission for adjudication.

Related to Labour Relations Commission

  • Railways Commission means the Western Australian Government Railways Commission established pursuant to the Government Railways Act 1904;

  • Commissioner of Police means the person holding or acting in the office of Commissioner of Police under the Police Act 1892;

  • Investor Relations Activities means any activities, by or on behalf of the Company or a shareholder of the Company, that promote or reasonably could be expected to promote the purchase or sale of securities of the Company, but does not include: