Lead Program Administrator definition
Examples of Lead Program Administrator in a sentence
Users can also construct their personal mental models and make their thinking visible while solving problems in the computer microworld.Given the previously cited claim that many scientific phenomena are beyond the learner’s temporal, perceptual and experiential limit, it is likely that MERs in interactive multimedia can support learning of these scientific phenomena (Kozma, 2000).
The Lead Program Administrator (PA) for your review is PA Name and can be contacted at PA email and phone number.
SoCalGas believes the Commission’s decision can allow for the smooth transition into the newthird-party paradigm by allowing SoCalGas to re-solicit expiring third-party contracts under the new definition.Fifth, SoCalGas requests Commission approval of its status as Lead Program Administrator over (1) residential new construction, (2) gas emerging technologies,(3) foodservice point-of-sale rebates, and (4) midstream commercial water heating.
Following the CPUC’s direction per D.16-08-019, PG&E was assigned as the Lead Program Administrator (Lead PA) for Codes & Standards (C&S) Statewide Advocacy Program which was officially launched at the beginning of 2020.
Please refer to the Lead Program Administrators Application for the vision, design, development and intervention strategies for the respective Statewide Program.SDG&E proposes administrative budget for Statewide programs in which SDG&E is not the Lead Program Administrator.
The Modified‐CPMR will also involve interviews with some, or all the following stakeholder groups as determined by your Lead Program Administrator: 21st CCLC staff and students, feeder school personnel, and caregivers.
Responsibility for providing notification depends on the role of the incoming agent and is set out in ICES’ Privacy Awareness Requirements Table, which is published and available for ongoing reference within ICES on the ICES intranet.Notification, whether provided by ICES’ Lead Program Administrator, a principal investigator or other delegated person or through ICES’ onboarding system, must be provided by email at the commencement of the agent’s employment or contractual relationship with ICES.
The department is underway with a Parks and Recreation, Open Space, and Trails plan as well.DRAFTThe Neighborhood and Community Services Division employs five full time staff including: Grants Manager, Grants Administrator and Compliance Analyst, Property Rehabilitation Specialist, Lead Program Administrator, and a Public Outreach and Grant Coordinator.
The purpose of the electric Statewide Energy Efficiency Balancing Account (SWEEBA-E) is to track the adopted budget and actual costs incurred for Statewide Energy Efficiency (EE) programs that PG&E administers (i.e. PG&E is referred as the Lead Program Administrator) and remittances to other Investor-Owned Utilities (IOUs) for Statewide EE programs that other IOUs administer (i.e. PG&E is referred as the Funding Program Administrator).
The Lead Program Administrator must be formally identified as a Signing Authority on the Signature Card in order to receive servicing directly from Royal Bank.