Examples of Legacy student in a sentence
The Legacy student and guest are expected to arrive together and remain together for the entire activity.▪ All guests of LHS students must be high school age, up to and including 20 years of age.
Therefore, as a Legacy student, I agree to guard my eyes, ears, mouth, and heart against impure thoughts and actions (1 Corinthians 6:18, Galatians 5:19).
Every Legacy student should support LHS by purchasing an ASB card.
Pictures, postings, all other forms of communications that do not represent the mission, vision, and values of LCA could lead to disciplinary action.As a Legacy student, I agree to not use or have in my possession tobacco, alcoholic beverages, or illegal drugs at any time, anywhere, on or off campus.
I understand that breaking this agreement is not only an issue of chemical use, but is an issue of integrity as I have agreed to this policy as a term of admission to LCA.As a Legacy student, I aim to represent myself, LCA, and Jesus Christ in a worthy manner in public and in private.Student Signature Grade Date Parent/Guardian Signature Date CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY AGREEMENT GRADES 9-12 As a student in Legacy’s Christ-centered community, I will strive to love God and love others.
The Guarantor agrees to rely exclusively on its right to revoke this Guaranty prospectively as to future transactions by written notice actually received by City if at any time the benefits then beingreceived bythe Guarantor inconnection with this Guaranty are not sufficient to warrant its continuance as a Guarantor as to future indebtedness.
Refer to Procedure 5101-PR1, Implementation of Student Regulations, for more details on documenting this permission.1.2.4 Legacy student works in the BCIT LibraryUntil December 2015, selected student works in hard copy were accessioned and retained at the BCIT Library for educational and research purposes.
High school juniors/seniors who have applied for the Legacy program may officiate 7th and 8th grade and sub-varsity contests only, and must work with the mentor or the mentor must be present at each contest officiated by the Legacy student.
Student Identification: Students performing internships, shadowing or clinical rotations on Legacy premises as part of their educational curriculum will wear some form of school identification and a Legacy student identification badge.
Every Legacy student will be provided with the opportunity, access, and inclusion needed for them to reach their potential and graduate ready for postsecondary success.