Legal Subdivision definition
Examples of Legal Subdivision in a sentence
NAME “Port Coquitlam Municipal Cemetery” LEGAL DESCRIPTION Parcel "A" of 'Park Reserve' of Legal Subdivision 10 of Section 12, Township 39, Plan 3022 as shown outlined in red on Explanatory Plan 12647, Group One, New Westminster District, in the Province of British Columbia.
This application, under Part 4 of the Pipeline Act, was for approval to construct and operate two pipelines from a pipeline tie-in point at Legal Subdivision (LSD) 3, Section 10, Township 37, Range 20, West of the 4th Meridian to a pipeline tie-in point at LSD 1-32-37-20W4M.
Application No. 1462817 is for a licence to drill a directional well from a surface location of Legal Subdivision (LSD) 16, Section 35, Township 23, Range 28, West of the 4th Meridian (16-35 well) to a bottomhole location of LSD 13-36-23-28W4M.
Legal Subdivision 16, Section 33, Township 23, Range 1, W6M, Kootenay District, Except Parts included in R/W 36 (PID: 016-777-905);5.
ECOTOXICITY DATA: Fish Toxicity:LC50 Bluegill sunfish: 0.23 - 0.40 mg/l (96 hr.)LC50 Rainbow trout: 0.24 - 0.37 mg/l (96 hr.) Invertebrate Toxicity:LC50 Water flea: 0.17-0.80 mg/L (48 hour) Algae Toxicity:LC50 Green algae: <0.5 mg/l (3 hr.) Other Toxicity:LD50 Mallard duck (oral): 1021 - 1631 mg/kg LD50 N.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited (CNRL) applied to the Alberta Energy and Utilities Board (EUB/Board), pursuant to Section 2.020 of the Oil and Gas Conservation Regulations, for a licence to drill a gas well from a surface location in Legal Subdivision (LSD) 9 of Section 26, Township 66, Range 24, West of the 4th Meridian, to a projected bottomhole in LSD 16-26-66- 24W4M (Application No. 1452905).
The application was submitted by Elk Point to the EUB on January 11, 2002, in accordance with Guide 56: Energy Development Application Guide and Section 2.020 of the Oil and Gas Conservation Regulations (OGCR) for a licence to drill a gas well in Legal Subdivision (LSD) 16 of Section 23, Township 54, Range 9, West of the 5th Meridian (16-23 well).
Consolidated was the registered owner of certain lands, legally described as Legal Subdivision 12-02-17-19-W2 [LSD 12], located on the outskirts of Regina and, at the time, forming part of the rural municipality of Sherwood.
EnCana Corporation applied to the EUB, pursuant to Section 7.001 of the Oil and Gas Conservation Regulations, requesting approval to construct and operate a gas plant at Legal Subdivision (LSD) 5 of Section 31, Township 27, Range 26, West of the 4th Meridian, in the Entice field, about 3.5 kilometres northwest of the Hamlet of Irricana.
The POC should be—or be taken from—the nearest of the following points, which are listed in order of preference: Surveyed corner of a Lot, Block, SubLot, Section, Legal Subdivision, Indian Reserve, or Mile Posts of a survey boundary.