Examples of Lessee Leases in a sentence
Depreciation, revaluation and impairment losses are therefore substituted by a revenue contribution in the General Fund Balance, by way of an adjusting transaction with the Capital Adjustment Account in the Movement in Reserves Statement for the difference between the two.Operating Leases - Authority as Lessee Leases that do not meet the definition of finance leases are accounted for as operating leases.
The Municipality as Lessee Leases are classified as finance leases where substantially all the risks and rewards associated with ownership of an asset are transferred to the municipality.
Finance Leases (Council as Lessee) Leases of Long Term Assets, where the Council has substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership, are classified as finance leases.
Group as a Lessee Leases in which a significant portion of the risks and rewards of ownership are not transferred to the Group as lessee are classified as operating leases.
As Lessee Leases are recognized as a ROU asset and a corresponding lease liability at the date on which the leased asset is available for use by the Company.