Examples of Licensed school personnel in a sentence
Licensed school personnel are encouraged to be knowledgeable about psychiatric or psychological methods and procedures but shall not be involved in any diagnosis, assessment or treatment of any type of mental disorder or disability unless appropriately certified.
Licensed school personnel are encouraged to be knowledgeable about psychiatric or psychological methods and procedures but shall not be involved in any diagnosis, assessment or treatment of any type of mental disorder or disability unless appropriately certified or licensed.
Courses may include the following: Use of best practices and techniques and their applications to student learning Culturally relevant teaching Effective vocabulary strategies for EL Learners Inclusive practices of EL Learners *Exempt: Licensed school personnel who do not provide direct instruction to students, including, at least, counselors, school psychologists, school nurses, and school social workers.
Licensed school personnel are encouraged to be knowledgeable about affective education, counseling, psychiatricpsychiatric and or psychological methods and procedures but shall not be involved in any diagnosis, assessment, or treatment of any type of mental disorder or educational disability unless appropriately certified or properly clinically supervised (as in the case of interns).
Licensed school personnel – explore the potential for CMMA to impact this issueLance and Kurt volunteered to work on launching a pilot project with Louis Industries/Paynesville School General Agenda Items MemberZone Software: MSP (Kurt, Lance) motion to approve CMMA’s purchase of a new website at a cost of $995; the new site will link with the new MemberZone software approved by MMA in August.
Exempt from this requirement are: Licensed school personnel who do not provide direct instruction to students, including counselors, school psychologists, school nurses, and school social workers, audiovisual directors and coordinators, and recreation personnel.• Reflective statement of professional accomplishment and assessment of professional growth (including meeting needs of English Language Learners) see Reflective Statement document on-line at the district Continuing Education Committee site.
Licensed school personnel and school security personnel are "authorized persons" to conduct searches when a search is permissible.
Each request for consent must be handled separately; blanket permission for the access of the information shall not be honored.b When data for outside research purposes are obtained, it should be done in such a manner that no individual student is identifiable.c Licensed school personnel shall have access to pertinent educational records for legitimate reasons upon signing the locator record in each building.
The fresco reasserts the funda- mental commitments that Ubertino’s Spiritualist followers had accused the order of forgetting, even while it flouts the central point these opponents made: by the standards of anything in the basilica dating to before 1310, this is a ‘rich’ thing, arraying its protagonists against a sky of gold.
Upon return, parent and student should confer with the student’s counselor and/or administrator about re-entry and monitoring F FG-R DISD Protocol for Reporting Abuse Reporting Abuse Licensed school personnel who suspect child abuse are required by law (PL216.101) to report to Child Protective Services.