Examples of Limited health services in a sentence
Health servicesBack to top Limited health services are available at school.
In case of more serious injuries, or if the parent cannot be contacted, the school will immediately call 911 for emergency assistance.● Limited health services are available at school.
Vehicles parked in Common Areas may not display “For Sale” signs.
In case of more serious injuries, or if the parent cannot be contacted, the school will immediately call 911 for emergency assistance.• Limited health services are available at school.
Limited health services, lack of trained personnel, shortage of Bega kwa Bega responds to these challenges by managing two medicines and dire poverty challenge many rural communities.
Limited health services are available for free or at a reduced cost in the local community.
Limited health services, high rates of migrant labour, high prevalence of multiple sex partnering, low condom use, serious gender inequalities, sexual violence against women, sexual activities in exchange for money, goods or services and poverty are all fuelling the epidemic.SCiPNG’s programme for HIV/AIDSSCiPNG’s Country Programme objective for this theme is ‘to mitigate the spread as well as effects of HIV and AIDS through preventive STI clinic services and health care for families and communities’.
Limited health services and above-average rates of immune-compromising diseases and ailments elevate the vulnerability of Native American and Alaska Native communities to the outbreak.
The interviews with stakeholders identified a number of key issues, including: Limited health services in rural areas increasing workload and decreasing quality of care, The necessity of overlapping and up-skilling roles of health care providers, including potential challenges and limitations, and Funding and remuneration problems.
NOTE: Limited health services shall not include inpatient, hospital surgical services, or emergency services, except as such services are provided incident to the limited health services.