Examples of Limited tests in a sentence
If we are unable to recover from you, then the recovery process set forth in your Deposit Account Terms & Conditions will apply.
Limited tests using Medicare data provide support for the theory that geographic variation in the costs of providing DME is primarily caused by service components.’’In researching cost data for section16008 of the Cures Act, we sought data that was national in scope, robust, and would allow us to access differences in costs of furnishing items and services in CBAs versus non-CBAs throughout the country.
Limited tests are located systematically, randomly, or judgmentally in areas with the highest potential for buried cultural deposits and may also provide information on soils, stratigraphy or depositional context and integrity.
Those parties would likely have been involved had the relief sought been within scope of PC80 as notified.There appeared to be an acknowledgement from counsel for Kāinga Ora that participation by the development parties alone in this proceeding was not enough to pass that second limb of the Palmerston North City Council v Motor Machinists Limited tests.
Limited tests (Inconel 718 only) were conducted in an attempt to assess, but not quantify, the influence of residual stress on fatigue crack growth rates.
Limited tests have been performed on composite beams exposed to fire as part of a structural frame [6–8].
Limited tests indicate rates of viability that are greater than 75 percent.
The Secure Systems Limited tests, team tests, and penetration tests substantiated the security functional requirements in the ST.
Limited tests were also conducted at one of Calpine Corporation’s facilities at The Geysers.
Limited tests are still possible with the Dedicated Software (System Rom operating system).