Liquid Calcium Chloride definition
Examples of Liquid Calcium Chloride in a sentence
Delivery of Liquid Calcium Chloride in distributor and bulk delivered lots will be required within five(5) days acknowledged telephone notice to the site designated by the Commissioner of Public Works.
A certificate executed by the manufacturer of the Liquid Calcium Chloride is required at the bid opening stating that the bidder is an authorized agent of the manufacturer and that all specifications of the proposal are complied with.
The undersigned also agrees to deliver Liquid Calcium Chloride in bulk (3,000 gallons minimum order) to any Tioga County, Town, or Village storage tank.
The Liquid Calcium Chloride will be in a ready-to-use solution with each gallon of 34% liquid containing approximately five (5) pounds of flake.
The resultant contract(s) are to provide the following to various locations throughout the State:• Liquid Calcium Chloride corrosion inhibited• Liquid Calcium Chloride with Organic Based Performance Enhancer (OBPE)• Liquid Magnesium Chloride corrosion inhibited• Liquid Magnesium Chloride with OBPE• Treated Salt in bulk (Types 1 & 2)• Calcium Chloride (to be offered in 50 lb.
LIQUID CALCIUM CHLORIDE Minimum Tanker Load Gallons Liquid Calcium Chloride shall be delivered by TANKERTRUCK WITH PUMP to unload into Department Tanks.
If a manufacturer/vendor/supplier receives a request for bid, that manufacturer/vendor/supplier shall provide test reports from an independent laboratory within fourteen days of the bid submittal certifying production sample compliance with AHTD specifications and identifying all the chemical and physical properties stated herein for Liquid Calcium Chloride.
AWARD: Award shall be made to the responsible bidder proposing the lowest price for Liquid Calcium Chloride whose proposal complies with all provisions to render it formal and legal and whose proposal is considered adequate to the best interests of Tioga County.
If the contract specifies the quantity supplied, then the payment amount will be “in accordance with the said specification and the Contractor’s proposal.” Contract #3: Rock Salt & Liquid Calcium Chloride ¶ 5 (JA408).
The contract memorialized Mid-American’s promises to furnish the required materials as estimated by the council members’ bid proposals:[Mid-American] will furnish said material required as stated in the bid proposal at anytime during the term of the Contract.Contract #3: Rock Salt & Liquid Calcium Chloride ¶ 3 (JA407) (emphasis added).