Examples of Listed Building Consent in a sentence
There is a no fee for the discharge of conditions on a Listed Building Consent, Conservation Area Consent or Advertisement Consent although if the request concerns condition/s relating to both a planning permission and Listed Building Consent then a fee will be required.
If you want to appeal, you must use the correct appeal form from the following list: Planning, Householder, Minor Commercial, Listed Building Consent or Certificate of Lawful Use or Development.The Planning Inspectorate has an online appeals service: www.planningportal.gov.uk/pcs.
If the building is 'Listed', then an application for Listed Building Consent must be made to the Secretary of State, via the Local Authority.
This Committee report acknowledges that alterations to the side entrance of the building to provide disabled access have already been considered acceptable in Town Planning and Listed Building terms as evidenced by the issuance of planning permission and Listed Building Consent for this in both 2010 and 2011.
Upon the advice of the Town Planning Solicitor and others, it was concluded that the Town Planning Division is not required to undertake an Equality Impact Assessment in determining planning and Listed Building Consent applications.