Examples of Listed Buildings Act in a sentence
In this respect, Committee will note that the DDA and Equality Act do not take precedence over the Listed Buildings Act nor vice versa.
The development would therefore be contrary to the advice contained within paragraphs 132 and 134 of the NPPF, S66 of the Planning (Listed Buildings) Act 1990, and Policy DP6 of the Development Policies DPD.
Section 66(1) of the Listed Buildings Act 1990 states that, in considering whether to grant planning permission for development which affects a listed building or its setting, the local planning authority shall have special regard to the desirability of preserving the building or its setting or any features of special architectural or historic interest which it possesses.
There are also two amendments to the Listed Buildings Act, so that ‘preserving’ is read as ‘preserving or enhancing’.
Sections 47, 48 and 50 of the Listed Buildings Act relate to the compulsory acquisition by the appropriate authority of a listed building in need of repair;service on the owner of a repairs notice; and inclusion in the order of a 53direction for minimum compensation.6. At least two months before making an order under section 47 of the Listed Buildings Act the acquiring authority must, under section 48, serve a repairs notice on the owner as defined in section 91(2) of the Listed Buildings Act.
The Congress passed the SDWA in 1974 and es- tablished the first set of federally enforceable standards for drinking water.
Appendix K of Circular 06/04 applies specifically to listed buildings in need of repair and action through sections 47,48 and 50 of the Listed Buildings Act 1990 and includes specific guidance on the content of notices in relation to the 2004 Prescribed Forms Regulations 2004.
The Team Leader noted that the Courts have clarified that here there is some harm caused to the setting of a listed building, this should be given significant weight by the decision maker to reflect the fact that preservation of the setting of listed buildings is desirable as per the Listed Buildings Act.
In carrying out their duties under the Listed Buildings Act, it is necessary for the Secretary of State to have regard to those matters.
For the purposes of the transition from the 1990 Listed Buildings Act, the list of buildings maintained by the Welsh Ministers under section 1 of that Act will become the list maintained for the purposes of section 76 of this Act.