Listed Interest Rates Excess Loss definition

Listed Interest Rates Excess Loss means the net sum or aggregate of net sums certified to be payable by a Defaulter by a Rule 19 Certificate in respect of Listed Interest Rates Business, less (a) the proportion of the Capped Amount applicable to Listed Interest Rates Business under Default Rule 15(c) and (b) any sums then immediately payable in respect of Listed Interest Rates Business Default Losses owed by such Defaulter by any insurer or provider of analogous services under any policy of insurance or analogous instrument written in favour of the Clearing House
Listed Interest Rates Excess Loss means the net sum or aggregate of net sums certified to be payable by a Defaulter by a Rule 19 Certificate in respect of Listed Interest Rates Business, less (a) the proportion of the Capped Amount applicable to Listed Interest Rates Business under Default Rule 15(c) and (b) any sums then immediately payable in respect of Listed Interest Rates Business Default Losses owed by such Defaulter by any insurer or provider of analogous services under any policy of insurance or analogous instrument written in favour of the Clearing House"Listed Interest Rates Novation Transaction"means, in respect of a Rates Exchange, the matched Rates Exchange Particulars representing a bilateral transaction and either: (i) concluded other than through an order book of the Rates Exchange; or (ii) concluded through an order book of the Rates Exchange, in each case: (a) presented for registration by, or on behalf of, one Listed Interest Rates Clearing Member identified as, or as acting as a clearing member for, the buyer and the same or another Listed Interest Rates Clearing Member identified as, or as acting as clearing member for, the seller; and (b) which the Clearing House and the Rates Exchange have agreed will be cleared in accordance with, and subject to, the Rates Exchange Rules and the Rulebook via novation under Regulation 109 (and not via the Listed Interest Rates Open Offer clearing mechanism)"Listed Interest Rates Novation Transaction Eligibility Criteria"has the meaning set out in Regulation 109(b)"Listed Interest Rates Open Offer"means the open offer made by the Clearing House in respect of a Rates Exchange Match under Regulation 108(c)"Listed Interest Rates Open Offer Eligibility Criteria"has the meaning set out in Regulation 108(c)"Listed Interest Rates Regulations"means those Regulations which apply to Listed Interest Rates Contracts as specified in Regulation 107