Listed unit definition

Listed unit means one population or a group of populations of a species, such as an evolutionarily significant unit, that has been listed as threatened or endangered un- der the federal Endangered Species Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-205), as amended, or under ORS 496.171 to 496.192.
Listed unit means one population or a group of populations of a species, such as an evolutionarily significant unit, that has been listed as threatened or endangered under the federal En-
Listed unit means one population or a group of populations of a species, such as an

Examples of Listed unit in a sentence

  • OORA100 is currently listed as a unit in TRACKS Tertiary Preparation Program and OORA200 is a Core unit in the Bachelor of Social Work, the Bachelor of Social Work – Articulation Program (University of Sydney) and a Prescribed unit in the Bachelor of Education (Primary) (Contextual Studies in Education; Rural and Remote Education and Indigenous Communities) and a Listed unit in the Bachelor of Social Science (Aboriginal Perspectives).

  • The Company measures and recognises the following financial assets and liabilities at fair value on a recurring basis:▪ Equity securities▪ Derivatives▪ Listed unit trustsThe Company has no assets or liabilities measured at fair value on a non‑recurring basis in the current reporting period.

  • The Company measures and recognises the following financial assets and liabilities at fair value on a recurring basis:§ Equity securities§ Derivatives§ Listed unit trustsThe Company has no assets or liabilities measured at fair value on a non‑recurring basis in the current reporting period.

  • Listed unit trusts should have access to all debt capital markets on the same basis as Australian corporates.

  • Goodramgate’s wide variety of occupiers include Boyes, Savers, Watkinson Shoes, Hidden Hearing, Tesco Express, etc., This Grade II Listed unit is available on a new lease - minimum lease term 3 years (without break).

  • Assets5,943Cash and cash equivalentsReceivablesFinancial assets at fair value through profit or lossListed equities Listed unit trustsTotal assets LiabilitiesDistributions payable – – – – – 13,506 13,506 – – – – – 11,755 11,755Payables – – – – – 206 206 – – – – – 192 192Total liabilities – – – – – 13,712 13,712 – – – – – 11,947 11,947Net assetsattributable to unitholders5,943 – – – – 225,040 230,983 8,066 – – – – 243,305 251,371 10.

  • Group Details of the significant held for trading investments are as follows: Listed unit fund represents investment in The Prime London Capital Fund, a fund listed in Channel Islands, amounting to HK$60,004,000 (2012: HK$145,871,000).

  • At 30 June 2020 and 30 June 2019, the overall market exposures to price risk were as follows:As at 30 June202030 June2019$'000$'000Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Listed unit trusts 758,291 -Total financial assets 758,291 - The table below indicates the effect of price movement on net assets attributable to unitholders (and net operating profit/(loss), with all other variables held constant.

  • At 30 June 2021 and 30 June 2020, the overall market exposures to price risk were as follows:As at 30 June30 June20212020$'000$'000Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Listed unit trusts27,94823,870Listed equities2401,394Unlisted unit trusts - 30Total financial assets 28,188 25,294 The table below indicates the effect of price movement on net assets attributable to unitholders (and net operating profit/(loss)), with all other variables held constant.

  • The Fund may be terminated earlier in certain circumstances at the discretion of the General Partner (as provided in the Partnership Agreement) or by operation of law.As at 30 June 2013, participation in the Fund comprised Limited Partner interests in 9,350,000 Common units of USD 1.00 per Common unit (with an undrawn commitment of USD 5,785,000), and 10,192,587 Listed units of USD 1.00 per Listed unit.

Related to Listed unit

  • Assisted Unit means a Unit that is subject to the Program’s rent and/or occupancy restrictions as a result of the financial assistance provided by the Program, as specified in the Regulatory Agreement.

  • Designated Unit means information technology devices (e.g. hard disks or central processing units) identified by Licensee pursuant to this Agreement that have been officially made known to the public as appropriate for Use or interoperation with the Software.

  • Restricted Unit means a Unit granted under the Plan that is subject to a Restricted Period.

  • FTPS Unit means Units which are purchased through the Fund/SERV(R) trading system or on a manual basis through FTP Services LLC or for which FTP Services LLC is acting as FTPS Unit Servicing Agent.

  • Vested Units means those Units listed as vested Units in the books and records of the Partnership, as the same may be amended from time to time in accordance with this Agreement.

  • LLC Unit means a common limited liability interest in the Company.

  • Common Unit means a common unit representing a limited partner interest in the Partnership having the rights set forth in the Partnership Agreement.

  • Affected unit means a department, shift, or other organizational unit of 2 or more employees that is designated by an employer to participate in a shared-work plan.

  • Said Unit means the said Flat, the said Vehicle Parking Space, (if any), and the right of common use of the Common Portions and wherever the context so intends or permits, shall also include the Said Undivided Share.

  • Class A Unit means a Unit representing a fractional part of the equity interest in the Company having the rights and obligations specified with respect to the Class A Units in this Agreement.

  • sub-unit means, with respect to any currency other than euro, the lowest amount of such currency that is available as legal tender in the country of such currency and, with respect to euro, one cent.

  • Unvested Units means those Units listed as unvested Units in the books and records of the Partnership, as the same may be amended from time to time in accordance with this Agreement.

  • Common Share means one share of the common stock of the Company.

  • Class B Unit means a Partnership Unit which is designated as a Class B Unit of the Partnership.

  • GP Unit means a Partnership Unit which is designated as a GP Unit of the Partnership.

  • Class A Common Unit means a Common Unit having the rights and obligations specified with respect to Class A Common Units in this Agreement.

  • Dividend Equivalent Unit means the right to receive a payment, in cash or Shares, equal to the cash dividends or other cash distributions paid with respect to a Share.

  • Class B Common Unit means one of that certain class of Common Units with those special rights and obligations specified in this Agreement as being appurtenant to a “Class B Common Unit”.

  • Deferred Share Unit or “DSU” means a unit equivalent in value to a Share, credited by means of a bookkeeping entry in the books of the Corporation in accordance with Article 7;

  • Deferred Share means a Share which by its terms of issue is a deferred share as defined in the Statutes and includes a permanent interest bearing share and a Core Capital Deferred Share;

  • Common Stock Price means, as of a particular date, the average of the Fair Market Value of one share of Common Stock over the 20 consecutive trading days ending on, and including such date (or if such date is not a trading day, the most recent trading day immediately preceding such date); provided that, if such date is the date upon which a Change in Corporate Control occurs, the Common Stock Price as of such date shall be equal to the fair value, as determined by the Compensation Committee, of the total consideration paid or payable in the transaction resulting in the Change in Corporate Control for one share of Common Stock.

  • Share Unit means either an RSU or a PSU, as the context requires.

  • Subordinated Unit means a Limited Partner Interest having the rights and obligations specified with respect to Subordinated Units in this Agreement. The term “Subordinated Unit” does not include a Common Unit. A Subordinated Unit that is convertible into a Common Unit shall not constitute a Common Unit until such conversion occurs.

  • Phantom Unit means a notional Unit granted under the Plan which upon vesting entitles the Participant to receive, at the time of settlement, a Unit or an amount of cash equal to the Fair Market Value of a Unit, as determined by the Committee in its sole discretion.

  • Ordinary Share means a Class A Ordinary Share or a Class B Ordinary Share;

  • Common Units is defined in the Partnership Agreement.