Live Broadcast Income definition

Live Broadcast Income means all monies actually received by NASCAR or a NASCAR Rights Affiliate pursuant to a Live Broadcast Contract and attributed by NASCAR to the Live Broadcast of NASCAR Sprint Cup Series events during the calendar year in which the Event is held.
Live Broadcast Income means all monies actually received by NEM or a NASCAR Rights Affiliate pursuant to a Live Broadcast Contract and attributed by NEM to the Live Broadcast of NASCAR Sprint Cup Series events during the calendar year in which the Event is held.

Examples of Live Broadcast Income in a sentence

  • NASCAR and the NASCAR Rights Affiliate(s) shall have no liability to PROMOTER with respect to such activities or the amount of Live Broadcast Income or Net Ancillary Rights Income arising out of or generated by such activities.

Related to Live Broadcast Income

  • Broadcaster means a person or a group of persons, or body corporate, or any organization or body who, after having obtained, in its name, downlinking permission for its channels, from the Central Government, is providing programming services;

  • broadcasting service means a radiocommunication service in which the transmissions are intended for direct reception by the general public. This service may include sound transmissions, television transmissions or other types of transmission.

  • broadcast means the transmission, relaying or distribution by wireless telegraphy of communications, sounds, signs, visual images or signals, intended for direct reception by the general public whether such communications, sounds, signs, visual images or signals are actually received or not;

  • Median income means the median income by household size for the applicable housing region, as adopted annually by COAH or a successor entity approved by the Court.

  • Digital Learning means a digital technology or internet-based educational delivery model that does not rely exclusively on compressed interactive video (CIV). Digital learning includes online and blended learning.

  • Investment Income means dividends, capital gains, or interest in- come generated from:

  • Median household income (MHI) means the calculation computed by the U.S. Census Bureau - Income of Households - This includes the income of the householder and all other individuals 15 years old and over in the household, whether they are related to the householder or not. Because many households consist of only one-person, average household income is usually less than average family income. The median divides the income distribution into two equal parts: one-half of the cases falling below the median income and one-half above the median. For households and families, the median income is based on the distribution of the total number of households and families including those with no income. The median income for individuals is based on individuals 15 years old and over with income. Median income for households, families, and individuals is computed on the basis of a standard distribution.

  • Moderate-income household means a household with a total gross annual household income in excess of 50 percent but less than 80 percent of the median household income.

  • Cable television service means the one-way transmission to subscribers of video programming and other programming service and subscriber interaction, if any, that is required for the selection or use of the video programming or other programming service.

  • Network means the participating providers described in the Provider Directory.

  • Backsiphonage means the flow of water or other liquids, mixtures or substances into the potable water system from any source other than its intended source, caused by the reduction of pressure in the potable water system.

  • Cable Television Network or “cable TV network” means any system consisting of a set of closed transmission paths and associated signal generation, control and distribution equipment, designed to provide cable service for reception by multiple subscribers;

  • rebroadcasting means the simultaneous broadcasting by one broadcasting organisation of the broadcast of another broadcasting organisation.

  • Program Income means gross in- come earned by the recipient that is di- rectly generated by a supported activ- ity or earned as a result of the award (see exclusions in § 215.24(e) and (h)). Program income includes, but is not limited to, income from fees for serv- ices performed, the use or rental of real or personal property acquired under federally-funded projects, the sale of commodities or items fabricated under an award, license fees and royalties on patents and copyrights, and interest on loans made with award funds. Interest earned on advances of Federal funds is not program income. Except as other- wise provided in Federal awarding agency regulations or the terms and conditions of the award, program in- come does not include the receipt of principal on loans, rebates, credits, dis- counts, etc., or interest earned on any of them.

  • Trust Income has the meaning set forth in the Trust Agreement.

  • Moderate Income means more than 50 percent but less than 80

  • Moderate income housing means housing occupied or reserved for occupancy by households with a gross household income equal to or less than 80% of the median gross income for households of the same size in the county in which the city is located.

  • Interest Income means interest earned on the Funding;

  • broadcasting means the transmission by wireless means for public reception of sounds or of images and sounds or of the representations thereof; such transmission by satellite is also “broadcasting”; transmission of encrypted signals is “broadcasting” where the means for decrypting are provided to the public by the broadcasting organization or with its consent;

  • Area Median Income means the most recent applicable county median family income published by the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee.

  • Business income means income arising from transactions and activity in the regular course of the taxpayer's trade or business and includes income from tangible and intangible property if the acquisition, management, and disposition of the property constitute integral parts of the taxpayer's regular trade or business operations.

  • Cable television system means any facility consisting of a set of closed transmission paths and associated equipment designed to provide video programming to multiple subscribers when subscriber interaction is required to select a specific video program for an access fee established by the cable television system for that specific video program.

  • Nonbusiness income means all income other than business income.

  • Distribution System Code means the code approved by the Board which, among other things, establishes the obligations of the distributor with respect to the services and terms of service to be offered to customers and retailers and provides minimum, technical operating standards of distribution systems;

  • Digital Health has the meaning ascribed to it in the Accountability Agreement and means the coordinated and integrated use of electronic systems, information and communication technologies to facilitate the collection, exchange and management of personal health information in order to improve the quality, access, productivity and sustainability of the healthcare system;

  • Internet service means a service that enables users to access proprietary and other content,