Examples of Live Register in a sentence
RAR is not subject to any judgment, order or decree that is likely to have a material adverse effect on the business or financial condition of RAR as a whole.
Gateway, a local authority labour activation scheme launched in the second half of 2013, that provides short-term work and training opportunities for long-term unemployed people who have been on the Live Register for over 2 years.
The Pathways to Work strategy has been devised to maximise the number of new job opportunities available to the long-term unemployed on the Live Register.
New individualised and group engagement processes have been developed, including profiling of all new clients to determine their probability of exit from the Live Register; and implementation of a new personal progression plan.
Specific target groups are: children and families in disadvantaged areas; lone parents; NEETs (young people aged 15–24 years who are not in employment, education or training); new communities (including refugees/asylum seekers); people living in disadvantaged communities; people with disabilities; Roma; the unemployed (including those not on the Live Register); Travellers; low-income workers/households; and young unemployed people living in disadvantaged areas.
In terms of targets for reducing youth unemployment, the Pathways to Work initiative has specific targets for increasing the number of people who are long-term unemployed moving into employment and reducing the average length of time spent on the Live Register; as two out of five young unemployed are long-term unemployed, these targets are pertinent to young people.
With regard to G1.1, most LCGs in 2016 (63 per cent) worked with people living in disadvantaged communities, while almost half (44 per cent) worked with children and families living in disadvantaged areas, over a quarter (23 per cent) worked with the unemployed, including those not on the Live Register, and a similar proportion (24 per cent) worked with people with disabilities.
In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the Intreo process reforms, a second comparison in the Live Register outcomes of the treatment and control offices was undertaken in 2013, a year after the reforms had been implemented in the treatment offices.
We use the Live Register system to track whether or not Sixth Form pupils are on site at any given time, primarily for Fire Safety purposes.
As is discussed in more detail in Section 3.2, this evaluation methodology is based on identifying SWLOs that introduced Intreo activation process reforms in 2012, which will be referred to as the treatment group in this study, and offices that did not introduce the reforms and were therefore still operating under the NEAP PES model, which will be known as the control group, and comparing the Live Register exit outcomes of the two groups of offices at different points in time.