Examples of LNG Storage Capacity in a sentence
LNG Storage Capacity is storage capacity for LNG installed in the State on or after January 1, 2016 that will benefit the State’s energy consumers during times of regional supply constraints due to capacity limitations of interstate or intrastate pipelines or local distribution systems.
The objective of this RFP is to solicit proposed contracts with LNG Storage Capacity.
Proposals should be for LNG Storage Capacity from a qualifying facility or facilities.
Non-Transco usage of LNG Storage Capacity to shippers (non-Transco usage) is offered for sale through pay-as-bid auctions.
The same LNG Storage Capacity facility may submit multiple pricing proposals, as long as they are mutually exclusive.
Proposals should include the quantities and prices for LNG Storage Capacity for each month and/or year of the term.
The Maine Public Utilities Commission (Commission) is seeking proposals for Liquefied Natural Gas Storage Capacity (LNG Storage Capacity) through one or more Physical Energy Storage Contract(s) (PESC).
Proposals should specify monthly and annual quantities and prices for LNG Storage Capacity for each year of the proposed contract term.