Interruptible Capacity definition

Interruptible Capacity means capacity that may be interrupted by the Operator at any time in order to fulfil shippers’ nominations under a firm capacity reservation.
Interruptible Capacity means gas transmission capacity that may be interrupted by the transmission system operator in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the transport contract;
Interruptible Capacity means Natural Gas transmission Capacity that may be interrupted by the TSO in accordance with the conditions applicable in the Standard Transmission Agreement.

Examples of Interruptible Capacity in a sentence

  • Unless determined by way of Auction, the charge for Interruptible Capacity follows from the Price List.

  • The Shipper shall pay a Capacity Charge for Interruptible Capacity.

  • If the Shipper is Allocated based on nominations above booked Firm and/or Interruptible Capacity, the Shipper shall pay the Capacity Charge for Daily Capacity (Firm Capacity) based on the Hour with the highest Allocation during the relevant Gas Day.

  • A Shipper’s Nomination of Firm Capacity at an Entry or Exit Point is given a higher priority than (part of) a Shipper’s Nomination of Interruptible Capacity.

  • The charges for Interruptible Capacity shall reflect the expected probability of Interruptible Capacity being available.

More Definitions of Interruptible Capacity

Interruptible Capacity means interruptible capacity as defined in point 13 of Article 2 of Regulation (EC) No 715/2009;
Interruptible Capacity means gas transmission capacity that can be interrupted by the transmission system operator according to the conditions stipulated in the transportation contract;
Interruptible Capacity means natural gas or hydrogen transmission capacity that may be interrupted by the transmission system operator or, where applicable, the distribution system operator, or the hydrogen network operator, in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the transport contract;
Interruptible Capacity means capacity in excess of Firm Injection Capacity, Firm Withdrawal Capacity or Registered Space;
Interruptible Capacity means Capacity that is offered by a Network Operator on an interruptible basis. Transportation services using Interruptible Capacity may be inter- rupted by the Network Operator.
Interruptible Capacity means that your Supply may be subject to interruption by a Transporter for the purposes of managing its pipeline system.
Interruptible Capacity means capacity that may be interrupted by a system operator in accordance with the conditions stipulated in a contract;