Local Administering Agency definition

Local Administering Agency means entities carrying out activities that are referenced in 42 U.S.C 9907(b)(1) which is incorporated by reference, including subsequent amendments and editions and are available for free at https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/PLAW-105publ285/pdf/PLAW-105publ285.pdf. Local Administering Agencies may include CAAs.
Local Administering Agency means the agency designated by the Department or a local government to manage the programs for transitional housing services, including the Homeless Women – Crisis Shelter Home Program, and to provide a service directly or by contract with a service provider.
Local Administering Agency means the agency

More Definitions of Local Administering Agency

Local Administering Agency means entities carrying out activities that are referenced in 42 U.S.C 9907(b)(1) which is incorporated by reference, including subsequent amendments and editions and are
Local Administering Agency means entities carrying out activities that are referenced in 42

Related to Local Administering Agency

  • Administering agency means the department, the county road commission, the county drain commissioner, or the city, village, or township that has jurisdiction over the public facility, as determined by the negotiating partnership. The administering agency will administer the development of the public facility.

  • Local Education Agency means: a public authority legally constituted by the state as an administrative agency to provide control of and direction for Kindergarten through Twelfth (12th) grade public educational institutions.

  • State education agency means the department.

  • Regional Administrator means the Regional Administrator of Region 10 of the EPA, or the authorized representative of the Regional Administrator.

  • Host agency means a public agency, private nonprofit organization, or private sector employer, other than a political party, exempt from taxation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, which provides a training site and supervision for a participant.

  • Administering Authority means a governmental employee, or a regional planning commission empowered under s. 62.234, Wis. Stats., that is designated by the Common Council to administer this ordinance.

  • Local agency means a city, county, or city and county, whether general law or chartered.

  • Sponsoring agency means Sandia; "Federal Government" or "government," in connection with government agencies or government property, shall mean the United States of America.

  • Central Agency means the agency operating the National Load Dispatch Centre or such other agency as the Central Commission may designate from time to time;

  • Local educational agency except as otherwise provided, means

  • User Agency means any person, organisation or company or department of the Central Government or State Government making a request for diversion or de-notification of forest land for non-forest purpose or using forest land for non-forest purpose in accordance with the provisions contained in the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 and the rules made and guidelines issued, thereunder.

  • Postsecondary educational institution means the university of

  • Procuring Agency means all State of New Mexico agencies, commissions, institutions, political subdivisions and local public bodies allowed by law to entertain procurements.

  • Federal Aviation Administration and "FAA" mean the United States Federal Aviation Administration and any agency or instrumentality of the United States government succeeding to their functions.

  • Cooperating agency means any Federal agency other than a lead agency which has jurisdiction by law or special expertise with respect to any environmental impact involved in a proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legislation or other major Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment. The selection and responsibilities of a cooperating agency are described in Sec. 1501.6. A State or local agency of similar qualifications or, when the effects are on a reservation, an Indian Tribe, may by agreement with the lead agency become a cooperating agency.

  • The Procuring Agency means the organization purchasing the Goods, as named in SCC.

  • School administrator means a superintendent, principal or his/her designee assistant principal//technical center director or his/her designee and/or the District’s Equity Coordinator.

  • escort agency means a building used to provide an escort service for sexual services;

  • Self-administration means carrying and taking medication without the intervention of the school nurse, approved through the school district policy and restricted to students with asthma, other potentially life-threatening illnesses or life-threatening allergic reaction.

  • Collection agency means a person that is directly engaged in collecting or attempting to collect a claim owed or due or asserted to be owed or due another, or repossessing or attempting to repossess a thing of value owed or due or asserted to be owed or due another person, arising out of an expressed or implied agreement. Collection agency includes an individual who, in the course of collecting, repossessing, or attempting to collect or repossess, represents himself or herself as a collection or repossession agency, or a person that performs collection activities that are regulated under article 9 of the occupational code, 1980 PA 299, MCL 339.901 to 339.920. Collection agency includes a person that furnishes or attempts to furnish a form or a written demand service that is represented to be a collection or repossession technique, device, or system to be used to collect or repossess claims, if the form contains the name of a person other than the creditor in a manner that indicates that a request or demand for payment is being made by a person other than the creditor even though the form directs the debtor to make payment directly to the creditor rather than to the other person whose name appears on the form. Collection agency includes a person that uses a fictitious name or the name of another in the collection or repossession of claims to convey to the debtor that a third person is collecting or repossessing or has been employed to collect or repossess the claim.

  • Self-administer means a qualified patient's act of ingesting medication to end his or her life in a humane and dignified manner.

  • Nodal Agency means the Madhya Pradesh Urja Vikas Nigam Limited, (MPUVNL) Bhopal;

  • Accrediting agency means: an accreditor recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and whose scope of recognition, as specified by the U.S. Department of Education, includes Distance Education.

  • District administrator means the department employee assigned the overall supervision of the departmental operations in one of the Commonwealth's construction districts.

  • Supervising agency means an agency licensed by the state

  • State educational institution means an institution enumerated in Article 12, Section 11 of the constitution of New Mexico;