Local educational agencies definition
Examples of Local educational agencies in a sentence
Local educational agencies are responsible for transmitting the statement to the Virginia Department of Education upon request to the same extent that the disciplinary information is included in, and transmitted with, the student records of nondisabled students.
Local educational agencies (LEAs), institutions, and sponsors determine eligibility by comparing the data reported by the child’s household to published income eligibility guidelines.
Fund Legend (cont.)Fund #Fund DescriptionPurpose572Title I – Disadvantaged Children/Targeted AssistanceTo provide financial assistance to State and Local educational agencies to meet the special needs of educationally deprived children.
The instruction must be, to the extent necessary, in all courses or subjects of study which will allow a child to meet grade promotion and graduation standards.572Title I – Disadvantaged Children/Targeted AssistanceTo provide financial assistance to State and Local educational agencies to meet the special needs of educationally deprived children.
Local educational agencies accepting funding from this item shall reduce their estimated and actual mandate reimbursement claims by the amount of funding provided to them from this item.
Local educational agencies (LEAs) must adopt policies and procedures consistent with State and federal requirements and are responsible for implementing programs that comply with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Part B.
REPORT OF THE TREASURER(cont.) Fund Legend (cont.)Fund #Fund DescriptionPurpose572Title I – Disadvantaged Children/Targeted AssistanceTo provide financial assistance to State and Local educational agencies to meet the special needs of educationally deprived children.
Local educational agencies (LEAs) are required to send a notification, in a language and format appropriate for the reader, to parents of ELs who have been selected to participate in the LEA’s Title III or Title I supplemental language program.
Local educational agencies (LEAs) are required to establish a restricted ongoing and major maintenance account in the general fund if they participate in the state school building programs.
Local educational agencies (LEAs or school districts) are instrumental in ensuring that the rights and services guaranteed in the McKinney-Vento Act are implemented throughout the school district.