Local revenue definition

Local revenue means in each school year ninety-eight
Local revenue. , as used in this section, means seventy-five percent of receipts to the school district derived from that amount produced by a school district property tax applied at the rate of fifty cents ($.50) to each one thousand dollars ($1,000) of net taxable value of property allocated to the school district and to the assessed value of products severed and sold in the school district as determined under the Oil and Gas Ad Valorem Production Tax Act and upon the assessed value of equipment in the school district as determined under the Oil and Gas Production Equipment Ad Valorem Tax Act.
Local revenue means all classes of revenue determined by the minister to be local revenue but does not include revenue from an operating grant or from school referendum taxes;

Examples of Local revenue in a sentence

  • Local revenue will be sustained by the sale of passport inlays, MyKad as well as project sales.

  • Local revenue includes local spot sales, integrated sales, sponsorship sales and paid-programming (or infomercials).

  • Local revenue is defined as the sum of money received from local government entities to assist in paying transit operation costs, including tax funds, and revenue earned from fare box receipts, charter service, contract service, express service and non - transportation activities.

  • The over perfomance was due to improvement in Local Revenue Managements,Value of other Local revenue realised was UGX 206,595,500 representing perfomance of 83%.

  • Local revenue and non wage grants remained unchanged but all the funds are geared towards improving PAF monitoring and accountabilty.

More Definitions of Local revenue

Local revenue means local taxes budgeted for school purposes in excess of the local five mill share, combined with any applicable equalization grant and budgeted revenues from any of the following: investment earnings, unrestricted donations, and the sale of surplus property; but exclusive of revenue from bonds issued for capital projects, revenue to pay debt service on such bonds and local option sales tax for capital projects. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to prevent a local board from including a local charter school in projects specified in the ballot language of a local option sales tax or bond referendum.
Local revenue means seventy-five percent
Local revenue means the total revenue received by a locality from local sources for the fiscal year
Local revenue means in each school year ninety-eight percent (98%) of the amount of revenue available, whether or not collected,
Local revenue means local taxes budgeted for school purposes in excess of the local
Local revenue means revenue from a
Local revenue means seventy-five