London Gold Fixing definition

London Gold Fixing means a gold price fixing meeting among the members for the time being of the London gold market.
London Gold Fixing means a p.m. gold price fixing meeting among the gold fixing members for the time being of the London Bullion Market.

Examples of London Gold Fixing in a sentence

  • On any day, with respect to the calculation of the Dollar value of Precious Metal, the Second London Gold Fixing for such day times the number of ounces of Precious Metal for which such Dollar value is being calculated.

  • The Borrower hereby irrevocably agrees to sell all such Products to the Lender forthwith upon receipt thereof at Jxxxxxx Matthey, or such other locations approved by the Lender, with such Products to be sold, at the discretion of the Borrower, at either the then prevailing open market bid price maintained by the Lender or at the price of the London Gold Fixing for such date, with the proceeds of such sales to be deposited into the Debt Service Reserve Account immediately following trade settlement.

  • On any day, with respect to the calculation of the Dollar value of Precious Metal, the Second London Gold Fixing for such day times the number of ounces of Precious Metal for which such Dollar value is being calculated If no such price is available for a particular day, the Fair Market Value for such day shall be the price for the immediately preceding day for which such price is available.

  • Series A Dividends pursuant to Section 5(c)(i)(B) shall be an calculated based on the afternoon London Gold Fixing rate as listed by the London Gold Market Fixing Ltd.

Related to London Gold Fixing

  • the London Stock Exchange means London Stock Exchange plc;

  • London Inter-Bank Offered Rate means the interest rate at which the Bank's London Branch, London, Great Britain, would offer U.S. dollar deposits for the applicable interest period to other major banks in the London inter-bank market at approximately 11:00 a.m. London time two (2) London Banking Days before the commencement of the interest period. A "London Banking Day" is a day on which the Bank's London Branch is open for business and dealing in offshore dollars.

  • Relevant Interbank Market means in relation to euro, the European interbank market and, in relation to any other currency, the London interbank market.

  • London Interbank Offered Rate has the meaning set forth in Section 2.07(b).

  • London Stock Exchange means London Stock Exchange plc;

  • London Banking Day means any day on which dealings in Dollar deposits are conducted by and between banks in the London interbank eurodollar market.

  • Adjusted London Interbank Offered Rate applicable to any Interest Period means a rate per annum equal to the quotient obtained (rounded upward, if necessary, to the next higher 1/100 of 1%) by dividing (i) the applicable London Interbank Offered Rate by (ii) 1.00 minus the Euro-Dollar Reserve Percentage.

  • LBMA means the London Bullion Market Association.

  • Eurozone means the countries and territories listed in the Annex of Council Regulation (EC) No. 974/98 of 3 May 1998 on the introduction of the Euro, in its current version.

  • BBA means the British Bankers’ Association.

  • Relevant Banking Day means a day on which commercial banks are open for general business (including dealings in foreign exchange and foreign currency deposits) in the place where the specified office of the Registrar is located and, in the case only of an exchange of a Bearer Covered Bond for a Registered Covered Bond, where such request for exchange is made to the Issuing and Paying Agent, in the place where the specified office of the Issuing and Paying Agent is located;

  • Reuters Screen LIBOR Page means the display on the Reuters screen LIBOR01 page or LIBOR02 page, as specified in applicable pricing supplement, on the Reuters 3000 Xtra service (or any successor service) (or any replacement page or pages on the Reuters 3000 Xtra service or any successor service on which London interbank rates of major banks for the relevant index currency are displayed).

  • Interbank Offered Rate means, for any Eurodollar Loan for any Interest Period therefor, the rate per annum (rounded upwards, if necessary, to the nearest 1/100 of 1%) appearing on Reuters Screen LIBO Page as the London interbank offered rate for deposits in Dollars at approximately 11:00 a.m. (London time) two Business Days prior to the first day of such Interest Period for a term comparable to such Interest Period; provided, however, if more than one rate is specified on Reuters Screen LIBO Page, the applicable rate shall be the arithmetic mean of all such rates (rounded upwards, if necessary, to the nearest 1/100 of 1%).

  • Reuters Screen LIBOR01 means the display page currently so designated on the Reuters Screen (or such other page as may replace that page on that service for the purpose of displaying comparable rates or prices).

  • Mid-Market Swap Rate Quotation means a quotation (expressed as a percentage rate per annum) for the relevant Mid-Market Swap Rate;

  • London Business Day Any day on which dealings in deposits of United States dollars are transacted in the London interbank market.

  • Telerate British Bankers Assoc. Interest Settlement Rates Page means the display designated as Page 3750 on the Telerate System Incorporated Service (or such other page as may replace such page on such service for the purpose of displaying the rates at which dollar deposits are offered by leading banks in the London interbank deposit market).

  • Relevant Market The market for overnight cash borrowing collateralised by US Government securities.

  • Reuters Screen LIBOR01 Page means the display page currently so designated on the Reuters Monitor Money Rates (or such other page as may replace that page on that service, or such other service as may be nominated as the information vendor, for the purpose of displaying comparable rates or prices).

  • Mid-Market Swap Rate means for any Reset Period the mean of the bid and offered rates for the fixed leg payable with a frequency equivalent to the Original Mid-Swap Rate Basis (calculated on the day count basis customary for fixed rate payments in the Specified Currency as determined by the Calculation Agent) of a fixed-for-floating interest rate swap transaction in the Specified Currency which transaction (i) has a term equal to the relevant Reset Period and commencing on the relevant Reset Date, (ii) is in an amount that is representative for a single transaction in the relevant market at the relevant time with an acknowledged dealer of good credit in the swap market and (iii) has a floating leg based on the Mid-Swap Floating Leg Benchmark Rate for the Mid-Swap Maturity (as specified in the applicable Final Terms) (calculated on the day count basis customary for floating rate payments in the Specified Currency as determined by the Calculation Agent);

  • Reuters Screen LIBO Page The display designated as page "LIBO" on the Reuters Monitor Money Rates Service (or such other page as may replace such LIBO page on that service for the purpose of displaying London interbank offered rates of major banks.

  • Rate Fixing Day means the second TARGET Day before the first day of a Term or such other day as the Facility Agent determines is generally treated as the rate fixing day by market practice in the relevant interbank market.

  • Approved Market means the Over-the-Counter Bulletin Board, the Nasdaq Stock Market, the New York Stock Exchange or the American Stock Exchange.