Price Fixing. An agreement with a competitor to fix prices or to fix terms and conditions of sale.
Price Fixing. 14.1 Offers for sole source procurement, changes, modifications, and claims in excess of € 500,000 shall be priced in accordance with this provision and the Purchaser's Pricing Principles as set out in Appendix 1 to this provision, or the National Government Pricing Rules and Regulations for NFP Organisation’s own country where in force.
14.1.1 For the purposes of verifying that cost or pricing data submitted in conjunction with paragraphs 14.1 above are accurate, complete and current, the Purchaser shall, until the expiration of 3 (three) years from the date of final payment of all sums due under the Agreement, have the right of access to Company's facilities to examine those books, records, documents and other supporting data which will permit adequate evaluation and verification of the cost or pricing data submitted along with the computations and projections used therein which were available to Company as of the date of Company's price proposal.
14.2 Price Reduction for Defective Cost or Pricing Data.
14.2.1 If any price, including profit or fee, negotiated in connection with this Agreement or any cost reimbursable under this Agreement was increased by any significant sums because: NFP Organisation furnished cost or pricing data which was not complete, accurate and current as certified in NFP Organisation’s Certificate of Current Cost or Pricing Data provided in accordance with paragraph 11.6 above.
14.2.2 Then the price or cost shall be reduced accordingly and the Order shall be modified in writing as may be necessary to reflect such reductions.
14.3 Certificate of Current Cost or Pricing Data.
14.3.1 At the time of negotiating any price, including profit or fee, NFP Organisation shall be required to submit a Certificate of Current Cost or Pricing Data as required by Exibit A 14.3.2 Such Certificate will certify that, to the best of NFP Organisation’s knowledge and belief, cost or pricing data submitted to the Purchaser in support of any proposal for a price, price adjustment or claim, are accurate, complete and current, as per the completion of the negotiations or, in the case of a claim, as per the submission date of the claim.
Price Fixing. 9.1 Offers for sole source procurement, changes, modifications, and claims in excess of $500,000 shall be priced in accordance with this provision and the Purchaser's Pricing Principles as set out in Appendix 1 to this provision, or the National Government Pricing Rules and Regulations for "Company"'s own country where in force.
9.2 This provision shall also apply to follow-on contracts of any nature including maintenance and supply of spare parts which exceed $500,000. Should such contracts be placed by NATO, NATO Bodies or Governmental Agencies of NATO Member Nations, such organisations shall be entitled to all rights, powers and privileges that the Purchaser has under this Agreement.
9.3 To the extent the product proposed is a Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) or COTS derivative item which has been sold to the general public or which is being developed for sale to the general public, including services normally provided for maintenance and installation, and consistent with, for example, the Rules of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), said items will be defined as "COMMERCIAL" and shall not be subject to paragraphs 9.4 or 9.5.
9.3.1 For the purposes of verifying that cost or pricing data submitted in conjunction with paragraphs 9.1 and 9.2 above are accurate, complete and current, the Purchaser shall, until the expiration of three (3) years from the date of final payment of all sums due under the Agreement, have the right of access to "Company"'s facilities to examine those books, records, documents and other supporting data which will permit adequate evaluation and verification of the cost or pricing data submitted along with the computations and projections used therein which were available to "Company" as of the date of "Company"'s price proposal.
9.4 Company", when the price exceeds $500,000, and subject to paragraph 9.3 above, shall require its Subcontractors to provide to the Purchaser, either directly or indirectly:
9.4.1 cost or pricing data or substantiation of commercial product status;
9.4.2 access to Subcontractor's facilities and records by the National Audit Agency for the purpose of verification of such cost or pricing data; and
9.4.3 a Certificate of Current Cost or Pricing Data when required.
9.5 Price Reduction for Defective Cost or Pricing Data.
9.5.1 If any price, including profit or fee, negotiated in connection with this Agreement or any cost reimbursable under this Agreement was increased by any significant sums because:
Price Fixing. The price of the Product that is sold and bought under this Agreement will be fixed in accordance to the provisions established in Annex 3.
Price Fixing. (Applicable only if this Contract is other than fixed price) (Standard Condition 43)
(1) Fair and reasonable prices shall be paid to the Seller in respect of the articles to be supplied under this contract, such prices to be fixed as soon as practicable by agreement between the Buyer and the Seller.
(2) In the event of delay in fixing prices fair and reasonable, provisional prices shall be fixed by the Buyer and the Buyer reserves the right to alter from time to time the provisional prices so fixed. The Buyer shall pay to the Seller the amount by which any sum payable on the basis of the prices finally fixed exceeds any sum paid on the basis of the provisional prices and the Seller shall pay to the Buyer the amount by which any sum paid on the basis of provisional prices exceeds the sum payable on the basis of prices finally fixed. In the event of any alteration of the provisional prices, similar provisions for payment and repayment shall apply.
(3) The Seller shall, at all times before prices for the articles to be supplied under this contract have been finally fixed:
(a) maintain a record of such particulars of the costs of production of the said articles (including, for example, details of times taken and of wage rates paid) as may be available from his normal accounting procedures and of such further particulars of those costs as the Buyer/UK may from time to time reasonably require (including particulars of the costs of production of such substantial parts of any of the said articles as the Buyer/ UK may specify in any such requirement) as being necessary for the purpose of determining such costs with reasonable accuracy; Provided that a requirement under this paragraph shall not apply so as to impose any obligation on the subcontractor to maintain a record of any such further particulars as aforesaid in respect of any costs of production incurred before the date on which that requirement is made, and
(b) when requested by the Buyer/UK, furnish a summary of any of the costs mentioned in paragraph (a) above in such form and detail as the Buyer/UK may reasonably require; and
(c) afford such facilities as the Buyer/UK may reasonably require for his representatives to visit the Seller's premises and examine:
(i) any or all of the processes involved in the manufacture of the said articles in order to estimate the costs of their production, and
(ii) the records maintained under paragraph (a) above; and
(d) maintain and on request furnish such particulars of...
Price Fixing. The distributor may set its prices for the products. The distributor shall inform the Supplier of its pricing as it applies from time to time.5. Obligations of the supplier(s)
Price Fixing. Buyer will be charged gross length minus allowances for spot, length and area defects (net procedure). Save as varied by express agreement accepted in writing by both parties spot defects are calculated with 10 cm per defect, length defects are calculated with 50% of the affected length whereas area defects in warp direction are calculated with the respective affected length. Measurement has to be calculated according to ISO 22198:2006.
Price Fixing.
5.1 Offers for sole source procurement, changes, modifications, and claims in excess of €500,000 (Five Hundred Thousand Euro) shall be priced in accordance with this provision and the Purchaser's Pricing Principles as set out in the National Government Pricing Rules and Regulations for the NFP Organization’s own country where in force.
5.1.1 For the purposes of verifying that cost or pricing data submitted in conjunction with Paragraph 5.1 above are accurate, complete and current, the Purchaser shall, until the expiration of three (3) years from the date of final payment of all sums due under this Agreement, have the right of access to the NFP Organization’s facilities to examine those books, records, documents and other supporting data. This may permit adequate evaluation and verification of the cost or pricing data submitted along with the computations and projections used therein which were available to the NFP Organization as of the date of the NFP Organization’s price proposal.
Price Fixing. Offers for sole source procurement, changes, modifications, and claims in excess of € 500,000 shall be priced in accordance with this provision and the Purchaser's Pricing Principles as set out in Appendix 1 to this provision, or the National Government Pricing Rules and Regulations for NFP Organisation’s own country where in force.
Price Fixing manipulation: fixing, rising, agreeing or manipulating the sales or purchase price of goods or services supplied or demanded in markets;