Loss Period definition
Examples of Loss Period in a sentence
However, the partnership was not formed during the Loss Period, and therefore, could not file a claim for damages for boat devaluation and lost fishing income.
The Principal Sum and Loss Period are specified in the Plan of Insurance.
Payment of Damages for Lost Fishing Income If the partnership files a claim for damages for lost fishing income during the portion of the Loss Period that the partnership was able to prove to the Administrator that it conducted fishing activity and that its partners paid income tax on income earned from this fishing activity, then the partnership must report these damages as income and allocate this income among its partners in accordance with its partnership agreement.
Table 7: Investment in Cash Flow Tax (Grossed-Up)Win Period 1Period 2After-tax profitInvestor(10)4015Government(5)2015 Loss Period 1Period 2After-tax profitInvestor(10)0(5)Government(5)0(5) The only differences between the cash flow system and the income tax, speaking in an after-tax manner, are the periods in which Greg got to recover the basis and, consequently, when the government had to “pay” for such basis recovery.
Payment of Damages for Boat Devaluation If the partnership files a claim for boat devaluation damages, based upon its ownership of the boat during the entire Loss Period, and receives these damages, the partnership must report the damages as income and allocate this income among its partners in accordance with its partnership agreement.
The most attractive vessels are enhanced with gilding and niello.
Notify the Administrator within the Notification of Loss Period as shown in the Schedule.
Calculating the Expected Loss Period Lifetime ECL is calculated by taking into consideration the period during which the Bank will be exposed to credit risk.
If the bet is unsuccessful, the investment will be worth $0 and he will have lost his $5 initial investment.Table 6: Investment in Income Tax (Grossed-Up)Win Period 1Period 2After-tax profitInvestor(10)4015Government01515 Loss Period 1Period 2After-tax profitInvestor(10)0(5)Government0(5)(5) Greg’s after-tax outcomes in the income tax system from an investment of$10 are identical to the outcomes of the yield exemption system from an investment of $5.
Temporary Loss Period — Period in which an enrollee loses eligibility and regains it, allowing the recipient to be re-enrolled in the Managed Care Plan in which the recipient was enrolled prior to the eligibility loss.