Ballast water means water with its suspended matter taken on board a ship to control trim, list, draught, stability or stresses of the ship.
Hot water means water at a temperature of 110°F. or higher.
Cooling Water means the water discharged from any use such as air conditioning, cooling or refrigeration, or to which the only pollutant added is heat.
Fresh water means water, such as tap water, that has not been previously used in a process operation or, if the water has been recycled from a process operation, it has been treated and meets the effluent guidelines for chromium wastewater.
Surface water means all water which is open to the atmosphere and subject to surface runoff.
ESD refers to “Educational Service District”.as defined in RCW 28A.310.010.
Landscape waste means any vegetable or plant waste except garbage. The term includes trees, tree trimmings, branches, stumps, brush, weeds, leaves, grass, shrubbery, and yard trimmings.
Landscaping means the treatment of land (other than buildings) being the site or part of the site in respect of which this planning permission is granted, for the purpose of enhancing or protecting the amenities of the site and the area in which it is situated and includes screening by fences, walls or other means of enclosure; measures to screen the refuse provision; planting of trees, hedges, shrubs or grass; formation of banks, terraces or other earth works, laying out of gardens, paved areas or courts and other amenity features.
Potable water means water that is fit for human consumption.
drainage work means any watercourse and includes any land which is expected to provide flood storage capacity for any watercourse and any bank, wall, embankment or other structure, or any appliance, constructed or used for land drainage or flood defence;
Beam scattering foil means a thin piece of material (usually metallic) placed in the beam to scatter a beam of electrons in order to provide a more uniform electron distribution in the useful beam.
Underground source of drinking water means an aquifer or its portion:
energy infrastructure means any physical equipment or facility which is located within the Union or linking the Union to one or more third countries and falling under the following categories:
waste water means used water containing substances or objects that is subject to regulation by national law.
Flare means a vendor-provided informational sign that, at a minimum, displays the prize structure, the serial number of the sleeve in play, the odds of winning a prize, and the price of the ticket. (3-26-08)
Cold Weather Alert means the notice that PJM provides to PJM Members, Transmission Owners, resource owners and operators, customers, and regulators to prepare personnel and facilities for expected extreme cold weather conditions.
Drip irrigation means any non-spray low volume irrigation system utilizing emission devices with a flow rate measured in gallons per hour. Low volume irrigation systems are specifically designed to apply small volumes of water slowly at or near the root zone of plants.
Duct is a single enclosed path to house facilities to provide Telecommunications Services.
Receiving water means lakes, rivers, streams or other watercourses which receive treated or untreated Wastewater.
Electrical contractor means an electrical contractor as defined in the Regulations;
HVAC means heating, ventilation and air conditioning.
Hot Weather Alert means the notice provided by PJM to PJM Members, Transmission Owners, resource owners and operators, customers, and regulators to prepare personnel and facilities for extreme hot and/or humid weather conditions which may cause capacity requirements and/or unit unavailability to be substantially higher than forecast are expected to persist for an extended period.
Potable means water suitable for drinking by the public.
Recycled water or “reclaimed water” means treated or recycled waste water of a quality suitable for non-potable uses such as landscape irrigation and water features. This water is not intended for human consumption.
Drainage means the movement of water to a place of disposal, whether by way of the natural characteristics of the ground surface or by artificial means;
Irrigation means application of water to land areas to supply the water needs of