Examples of Untreated water in a sentence
Untreated water to be utilized for purposes other than human consumption.
Untreated water from MWD is treated at EMWD’s Perris and Hemet WFPs, and is also delivered directly to a number of agricultural and wholesale customers.The majority of new water demands caused by growth are to be met through additional imported water from MWD, although increases in local supplies such as brackish groundwater desalination and recycled water are expected to offset this to an extent.
Untreated water facilities include four untreated water reservoirs (Contra Loma, Mallard, Martinez, and Los Vaqueros Reservoirs), the 48-mile Contra Costa Canal, and four pumping stations and related conveyance facilities.
IMPORTANT Untreated water must not be allowed to reach the user, it is important that there be sufficient reserve capacity to provide water during the time between the pre contact and the delayed regeneration cycle.
Untreated water will be pumped from the Potomac River to retired quarries for storage.
Untreated water is supplied from the second aqueduct to the REB through a dedicated SDCWA turnout.
Untreated water was collected and stored in 1 l polyethylene bottles for isotopic δ18O analyses in water and in dissolved sulfates.
Untreated water from either the Quabbin Reservoir or Swift River is used for rearing rainbow trout in the 16 outdoor raceways (160 pools).
Untreated water of 1.1 million citizens polluted the river Zenne during 10 days when the company was forced to start up operations again.
Intake water is supplied to the erosion feeder and is adjusted to control the chemical delivery rate.3. Untreated water rises through holes in the sieve plate contacting only the bottom tablets.The balance of the tablets remain dry.