Lot, interior means a lot other than a corner lot.
Lot, interior means a lot other than a corner or through lot.
Examples of Lot, interior in a sentence
Once a grantee is on the Suspension of Funding List, it cannot receive another grant until the corrective actions as defined by OSBM have been achieved.
More Definitions of Lot, interior
Lot, interior means a lot other than a corner lot which has frontage on one street only.
Lot, interior means a lot of record which is located in the natural river district, but which does not have frontage on the river or its designated tributaries.
Lot, interior means a lot which abuts a road only on the front line (see Figure 4).
Lot, interior. Means a lot other than a corner lot or through lot. (See illustration page at end of Section.)
Lot, interior means any lot which has street access, other than a corner lot.
Lot, interior means a lot which abuts a road only on the front line;
Lot, interior means a lot other than a corner lot which is situated between adjacent lots and has access to one street.