Examples of Lot Line, Front in a sentence
Bank concentration at a national level: Deposits of the five most important financial entities as a percentage of total financial deposits 1985Source: ECB (1999) Taking into account the previous exposition, if we want to evaluate the existence of differences in regional responses to monetary policy, we should consider information about three different aspects: the industry-mix, the firm size and the financial structure.
Lot Line, Front - The street line running along the front of the lot and separating it from the street.
The legal perimeter and geometry of a parcel of property demarcating one lot from another.1. Lot Line, Front.
Lot Line, Front A line separating the lot from the street; for a corner lot, the shorter lineabutting a street.
Edits were made to the following definitions: Lot Line, Front; Lot Width, Non-Shoreland; and Lot Width, Shoreland.