Examples of Mail Order Rule in a sentence
See, e.g., Appliance Labeling Rule, 16 CFR at 305.17; Cooling-Off Rule, 16 CFR at 429.2; Mail Order Rule, 16 CFR at 435.3(b)(2).255 This provision is comparable to the severability provisions in other Commission trade regulation rules.
Since 1990, Mr. Khubani has entered three separate agreements with the Commission – in two cases, relating to Telebrands’ practices – resolving alleged violations of the Commission’s Mail Order Rule.
Mail Order RuleTm m i r cThe federal Mail Order Rule addresses two problems: failure to deliver and failure to make a prompt refund.he rule requires mail order erchants to deliver prepaid erchandise in the time stated n the original offer or make a efund.
Court Type: Administrative Amount: $800,000 Disposition: Fine Synopsis: “Dell Computer Corporation, the country's largest direct seller of personal computers, has agreed to settle Federal Trade Commission charges that it violated the FTC's Mail Order Rule when it advertised and sold a "Dell Dimension" computer system bundled with a package of third-party software that was not ready to be shipped.
For specific guidance on complying with the Mail Order Rule online, ask the FTC for a copy of Selling on the Internet: Prompt Delivery Rules, as well as A Business Guide to the Federal Trade Commission's Mail or Telephone Order Merchandise Rule.What do I need to know about consumer privacy online?Advertisers should be aware of the privacy issues raised by Internet marketing.
The Mail Order Rule is a federal regulation that governs the type and timing of communication between our company, Retailers and their customers when a product they ordered is not available to ship.
In turn, manufacturers can use information about a consumer’s intent to purchase to both manufacture a more appropriate number of devices and then target shipments to areas of the highest demand, reducing unnecessary environmental waste.Although additional requirements to guard against potential harms are unnecessary, any Penalty For Alleged Mail Order Rule Violations (May 22, 2003), https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/press- releases/2003/05/staples-inc-pay-850000-penalty-alleged-mail-order-rule-violations.
Mail Order Rule, Telemarketing Sales Rule, unordered merchandise, unauthorized use of credit cards, etc.
The Commission originally promulgated the Mail Order Rule in 1975 in response to complaints that many mail order sellers failed to ship ordered merchandise, failed to ship merchandise on time, or failed to provide prompt refunds for unshipped merchandise.
Consider, for example, the rationale behind the Commission's Mail Order Rule.