Examples of Main Street area in a sentence
Parkville is home to Park University, Parkville Commons, English Landing Park, the National Golf Club, Riss Lake, and the historic downtown Main Street area.
Apartment and student housing are the main forces behind the resurgence of the Main Street area.
Leverage must be FIRMLY committed to the Project or the Main Street area redevelopment effort in general.
The applicant must have within its jurisdiction a Main Street Area which meets the definition in this NOFA, and the applicant must provide a map, decipherable in gray-scale print, depicting the Main Street area boundaries.
Staff confirmed that older streetscaping plans for Main Street, Herring Cove Road, and Sackville Drive are considered complete because all the ideas in those plans that could be implemented, have been (except for one project that remains ‘in flight’ in the Main Street area).
The goal is to respect the original building design while maintaining consistency with the overall design of the Main Street area.
Prior to permit acknowledgement of Phase 1 of the Permit, TTD and/or a partner agency shall develop and have adopted, with appropriate partners and funding as outlined herein, a Main Street Management Plan (Plan) for the transition of the Main Street area after its conversion from a five lane US highway.The purpose of the Plan is to create a complete, multi-modal street environment which enhances the businesses environment, the visitor experience and environmental sustainability.
If THPRD elects to place the civic use at the parks block the district shall include a significant entry feature such as public art, a plaza or water feature to signify the entry to the Main Street area and the East Community Park.
If applicable, include evidence that the historic structure is part of a certified local government community, designated Main Street area, or local or National Register historic district or place.
The goal of the initiative is to encourage further residential growth in the Main Street area, especially in current commercial or retail properties along the Main Street that have vacant upper-floor space.